Chapter Six: Peter

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I ENTER MY apartment and turn on the lights. I sigh in content and set my bag on the couch. I run up the steps to my bedroom to pull out something nice to wear. After getting changed, I decided to "put on my face" which, according to my mother, means getting it all freshened up. I grab a comb from on top of my dresser and combed my bangs. I see Mom's necklace that he used to wore and gave it too me. I smile and gladly take it. Mom would've wanted me to wear it.
I sigh as I stare at myself in the mirror. People were right. I do look a lot like my mother. I didn't hear Matt come in until he calls, "Peter! I'm home!"
"I'm upstairs, in the room, Matt!" I reply.
I hear his footsteps running up the stairs and he gasps when he sees me. His jaw basically drops to the ground and his eyes are wide. They basically have cartoon hearts in their eyes.
"Wow..." Matt says, admiring my look. "You look beautiful, Peter! that your mother's old prom dress?"
I blush deeply and look down. "Yes...? Why do you ask?"
"It's beautiful!" Matt comments. "Blue is definitely your color, Pete."
I laugh a bit as he walks up to me. He bends down and kisses my lips softly. I hum into the kiss, smiling. We break apart.
"You think my mother will like it?" I ask Matt hesitantly, gesturing to the dress.
"Like it?!" Matt scoffs. "I think he'll love it!"
I smile widely and hug him, wrapping my arms around his neck. He smiles widely as he kisses me. I'm so lucky to have him as my boyfriend!
"Now, if you'd excuse me," Matt says, "I need to get ready myself."
I let him do so and walk out of the room, grabbing my jacket and bag and heading out to the living room. Once in the living room, I pull out my phone, letting my mother know we were on the way.
A few minutes have passed and Matt comes down wearing a tux. I stand and grab my bag. We're going to the most fanciest restaurant, which is downtown. I forgot the name of it but my mother wants to go there so we're going there.
I stand up and kissed his lips, smiling. "You ready?"
"As ready as I'll ever be, baby!" Matt says.
He holds out his arm and I loop mine through his and rest my head on his shoulder until we reach my car. I unlock it and we hop in. I start the ignition and before we know it, we're off on the road!

+ + +

We arrive at Mom's house a few minutes before six. I wonder how Wade's doing. I turn of the car and hop out, grabbing my bag and coat. Matt grabs his stuff and shuts the door behind him. I knock on the front door and Uncle Harrison steps out, smiling when he sees my boyfriend and pulls him into a "bro hug". Matt whispers something into his ear and Uncle Harrison nods, and they walk into another room. I watch them suspiciously.
"Mom!" I call. "We're here!"
"Alright, Pete! I'm upstairs in my room, getting ready!"
I smile. "Okay, Mom! I'm coming up the steps as we speak! Is it safe to come in?"
I didn't want to run in while my mother was changing.
"Yes, sweetheart! It is!" Mom says.
I reach his bedroom door and open it slowly. My jaw drops. He's wearing a blue dress and it's long and thin like mine. I grin when I realize we're basically wearing the same outfit.
"You look absolutely stunning, Mom!" I say. Mom blushes and looks down, giggling.
"Thank you, Peter. I can't say the same for you! I see you're wearing my old prom dress huh?" Mom notices.
I feel my face warming a bit and nod. "Yes, Mama."
He smiles widely and hugs me tightly. "Your father would've stared at us for eternity if he were alive and here right now."
I laugh because it's true. He would do that. Mom walks over to the mirror and his hand reaches the back. He tries to get the zipper but no luck. He grunts here and there as he tries zip it up. I walk behind him.
"Need help, Mom?" I ask.
"Please," Mom says, smiling.
I smile as I help Mom zip up the zipper. He smiles at me and thanks me. He combs his hair and hums to himself and gracefully walks over to the bathroom to brush his teeth. After he brushes his teeth, Mom says, "I'm going to go get Wade. See if he's ready to go."
I smile. "Okay, Mom."
Mom turns off the lights and walks out. He closes the door gently behind him. I say, "Mom? You do realize we're 'twinsies' right?"
Mom laughs, "Haha! Yeah, I notice that too, Peter! Blue is definitely your color!"
"That's what Matt says. Blue fits you too, Mom," I comment.
Mom smiles at me and hugs me, telling me he loves me with all his heart. I reply with the same message. Mom and I went separate ways. I head downstairs to see Uncle Harrison and Matt sitting on the couch and talking, laughing at something. Matt stops when he sees me. He smiles and kisses me on the lips when I walk over to them.
"You look beautiful Peter, just like your mother," Uncle Harrison comments. "I don't know how many times you've heard that."
"A lot, apparently," I say.
Just then, we hear Mom scream, "HE'S GONE! WADE'S GONE!"

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