Poem 2 - No Matter What They Say.

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They said I was a loser.
They said I never had a chance.
They called me stupid.
They said I was chasing pavements.
And they knew what they said hurt me bad,
cause they knew, I knew it was true.

All of it was true.
I was a loser.
I never had a chance.
I was just chasing pavements.

But somehow, 
I found the light to keep me going.
I had the dream that drew me even closer.
The one person who would pick me up when everything was shoving me back down.
And the person who was there for me.

She told me,
nothing worth having comes without a fight.
And if this was the fight, then it was all worth it.
I would go through all of that again.
If it meant I got to keep you.

I would go through all the pain,
a thousand times over.
If all of it meant I could call you mine again.

You said nothing worth having, 
comes without a fight.
And you said, we were gonna fight for each other.
you promised me we would fight for our love.
Yet you let me down.

You threw in the towel after the first ring of the bell.
But I stood in that ring called life.
And I fought, and i fought and fought and fought until there was no more.

No point in fighting,
no point in standing up for what I love.
No point in standing up for what I believe in.
No point in standing tall for who I love.

Hey guys! Third poem already and i absolutely love the feedback (: I really hope you keep enjoying my poems, and tbh, I cried everytime I wrote each of my poems. So if you take anyhing away from this, just understand that I've had first hand experience with this stuff, and idk, I cant really express my feelings so i write everything down. I love you all (:


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