Prologue: A Haven

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(Y/n)'s POV:

It had been three days since we arrived to Mistral, Qrow said he wanted to personally escort us there, so we had to wait for him to recover from being poisoned, Ruby had stayed by his side, while Jaune, Nora, and Ren stayed in their rooms, Nora and Ren occasionally came by to check up on me and leave me food, they worried too much for me, I would have told them it was unnecessary, but besides Ruby and Yang, those two could see through me and they knew that though I didn't say so it was greatly appreciated, they knew I was in pain despite me acting otherwise, I couldn't cry anymore, I thought Penny and Pyrrah's deaths had hit me hard, it did, it felt like someone had pearced a hole through my chest, but...Tracy's felt like that wound had reopened and someone rubbed salt on it, it hurts...but I needed to endure it, get passed the sadness and carry that pain as fual, as a reminder to carry on and fight for what I still have left.

*Knock* *Knock*

(Y/n): "Come in." I said doing my one arm push-ups with my left arm, it was great having my new arm and all, but using it to excursize and work out I forbbided myself from using it, after all I didn't want my new arm being my last resort nor the thing I counted on the most, No, I needed myself to be stronger than that, so I needed to tone myself physically and sharpen my hand to hand combat.

Ruby: "Hey, (Y/n)." Ruby said coming in as she stopped and stared at me wide eyed, and looked away quickly, seeing that I was shirtless.

(Y/n): "Hey Rose petal, how's Qrow doing?" I asked as I stood up and dried myself with a towel.

Ruby: "Umm h-he's doing f-fine." She said facing away still and blushing.

(Y/n): "You don't have to get so flustered Rubes, you've seen me shirtless before." I told her as I grabbed my arm from the desk and put it on.

Ruby: "S-Shut up, it's not like it was everyday I saw you shirtless! Besides you'd also get flustered if you saw any of us shirtless!" She said still blushing and pouting.

(Y/n): "You're girls! It's differ- you know what never mind." I said about to go grab a tank top when suddenly I turned around and saw Ruby very close to me as now it was my turn to blush.

(Y/n): "R-Rubes your a little too close." I said as she put her hand on my bare chest.

Ruby: "Did...Did it hurt?" She told me touching the chest scar Cinder gave me back at Beacon.

(Y/n): "No...This, my arm, and my eye weren't what hurt me the most..." I told her grabbing her hands, pushing them back to her, as I turned around and walked to the window looking outside.

(Y/n): "The fact that I lost two friends and most of you were hurt,  THAT is what hurt the most, it still does, even more so now that Tracy...died." I said closing my eye in pain, suddenly I felt warm arms hug me from behind.

Ruby: "I know how you feel, it still hurts me too, I'm here for you (Y/n), so please stop keeping your pain to yourself." She said as I turned around and hugged her tightly as I began to cry a bit.

(Y/n): "What did I ever do to deserve you?" I asked gladly.

Ruby: "You stayed strong and continued to be the same (Y/n) Valkyrie I met at the dust shop, even after all you went through, you're still being my Huntsmen extraordinaire." She said tearfully happy as I put my forehead on her's and we chuckled together.

Jaune: "Hey (Y/n) I-" Jaune said coming in as we stared at each other in silence for a second.

Jaune: " this a bad time?" He asked as I smiled at him.

(Y/n): "Nah, you're good Sugar Bear, what's up?" I asked as I put my arm around Ruby as she blushed a bit.

Jaune: "Well Qrow said were headed to Haven now." He said.

I AM THE LIGHTNING!!! (A RWBY Fanfic: Nora's Brother Reader) Vol.5Where stories live. Discover now