Chapter One: Mobilizing

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3rd POV:

Lionheart sat on his desk thinking a lot, as his mind was in conflict.

Watts: "Are we ready?" Watts asked as he came into his office and have him his signature creepy smile, Lionheart got up and opened a trap door that lead into a secret room, in the middle of the room, there floated a Seer, Lionheart was obviously in fear, not only because Seer's were...quite deadly, but because it was also a type of communication to Salem herself.

Watts: "After you." Watts said as he pushed Lionheart in.

Lionheart: "Your grace...are you there?" He asked as the Seer hisses and suddenly Salem's face appeared along with Cinder by her side.

Salem: "Hello, Leonardo, do you have something to report?" She asked.

Lionheart: "Of course ma'am, I would not waste your time, if not." He said nervously as Watts walked up to the Seer.

Watts: "I'm still so fascinated by this creature, Cinder, dear are we coming through? Can you see us clearly? Well as clearly as you can." He said clearly messing with her, much to her annoyance.

Cinder: "Shut...up." She said finually able to speak.

Watts: "Oh goody, you've recovered." He said sarcasticly.

Salem: "Your report, What is it?" She asked Lionheart.

Lionheart: "I've...I've found the Spring Maiden." He said.

Salem: "Is that so? Well done....Arthur." She said to Watts instead of Lionheart.

Salem: "Had I know how useful you'd be in expediting this process, I would've sent you long, long ago." She said.

Watts: "As much as I'd love to take credit, ma'am, I can't say that either of us are to thank for this development, let's just say a little birdie told us."

Salem: "Explain."

Lionheart: "You see ma'am, Qrow Branwen arrived in Haven Academy earlier today, he believes that Spring has taken residence in his sister's tribe." He explained.

Cinder: "Is...the girl..with him?" She asked him.

Watts: "Funny you should ask Cinder, yes she was in attendance, and you'll never guess who else." He said giving his creepy smile.

Salem: "Who?" Salem asked.

Watts: "Hehehe the Lightning Child." He said smugly as Cinder went wide eyed and Salem had an unamused expression.

Watts: "Boy do you have problems Cinder dear, oh! you should see him, new metal arm, an eye patch, bit more muscular, and definitely looking for a round two with the Fall Maiden, it's exciting just to think about it, Fire and Lightning, fight night! The greatest gladiator match in the history of the world! The child of Lightning verse the infamous Fall Maiden!" He said excitingly as he laughed.

Cinder: "SHUT...UP." She said sternly as Salem raised her hand to silence them.

Salem: "Leonardo, do you know of the tribe's location?" She asked him.

Lionheart: "Yes Ma'am! But you have to hurry! Qrow's already at odds with-" before he could finish Salem made the Seer use one of its tentacles to wrap around Lionheart's neck.

Salem: "Leonardo? Do you remember the first time we met? I remember, I remember your fear, but, since that day you've been extraordinarily brave, I won't forget all that you've done for me." She said as the Seer's tentacles rose and pointed it's needles at his head.

Salem: "Don't forget everything I can do to you." She said as she made the Seer let go of him as he coughed.

Salem: "Cinder you and your team will go with doctor Watts and together convince Raven Branwen that the survival of her people depends on her cooperation, once you have Spring under your control, escort her to the relic and contact Hazel, the White Fang was promised the destruction of Haven and they'll have it once we have what we need." She ordered.

I AM THE LIGHTNING!!! (A RWBY Fanfic: Nora's Brother Reader) Vol.5Where stories live. Discover now