Chapter Three: Fire, Ice, and Lightning

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Yang's POV:

I was driving through the woods on  Bumblebee with the shady guy from earlier, obviously he keep his hands to himself, I don't really know how long we have been driving for since he said that he knew where my mom was, but obviously I knew this guy was probably going to do something to get back at me for punching him.

I was driving through the woods on  Bumblebee with the shady guy from earlier, obviously he keep his hands to himself, I don't really know how long we have been driving for since he said that he knew where my mom was, but obviously I knew this guy...

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Shady guy: "So, your boyfriend what's he like?" The dude asked me.

Yang: "Why?"

Shady guy: "Just making conversation, besides I'm interested to know who the guy is that was able to catch your eye." He said obviously I didn't want to talk to him but I was also bored.

Yang: "When I first met him I just thought he was cute but I also didn't really think much about him, he seemed like any typical guy, but after getting to know him in short amount of time and seeing him fight and use his semblance, I started to pay more attention to him, that is when I realized he was more than I thought." I said.

Shady guy: "And just how much more is he?" He asked as I smiled at that.

Yang: "He's my red haired, badass who can literally leave you Thunderstruck." I said.

Shady guy: "That's...I don't know what to say to that." He said, of course I left him speechless.

Yang: "Anyway how much further, pal?" I asked him.

Shady guy: "This should just about do it." He said as we came to a stop in the middle of nowhere.

Shady guy: "You wait here, I'm going to go ahead and check if the coast is clear." He said as he ran away, hehe wow oldest trick in the book, I got off my bike as I took off some wear I didn't want to get damaged as I stretched a bit, when suddenly an explosive round was shot at me but I blocked it with my new arm, as I turned to see who did it the shady guy  came out followed by six of his new friends all pointing there weapons at me and surrounding me, how typical.

" He said as he ran away, hehe wow oldest trick in the book, I got off my bike as I took off some wear I didn't want to get damaged as I stretched a bit, when suddenly an explosive round was shot at me but I blocked it with my new arm, as I turned...

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Shady guy: "I can't believe you were dumb enough to let me lead you here." He said.

Yang: "So this everyone?" I asked.

I AM THE LIGHTNING!!! (A RWBY Fanfic: Nora's Brother Reader) Vol.5Where stories live. Discover now