Chapter Thirteen: If you want Peace...

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3rd POV:

Outside of the building, Adam's men continued to fight back despite being out-numbered.

Mistral officer: "Crease fore immediately!" A Mistral police officer said on the intercom of his ship, As Adam's men were going to keep fighting Ilia and a small group of hers surrounded them, two of the three white Fang members put their weapons down as the last one didn't and he was suddenly taken down and held in submission by Ilia.

Mistral officer: "Crease fore immediately!" A Mistral police officer said on the intercom of his ship, As Adam's men were going to keep fighting Ilia and a small group of hers surrounded them, two of the three white Fang members put their weapons ...

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Ilia: "Stay down." She told him as a rabbit Faunus girl came closer to Ilia.

Rabbit Faunus girl: Thank you." She said to Ilia who nodded to her.

Meanwhile Adam stood from the ground anger obvious in his expression as he used his sword for support.

Adam: "I'm going to make you regret ever coming back and I'm going to make that red-haired bastard pay!!" He shouted.

Blake: "More police are coming Adam, Huntsmen too." She told him.

Adam: "Heh, still afraid to take me on alone? Tch at least (Y/n) had the guts and the spine for it unlike you." He told her trying to insult her, but Blake's expression was unimpressed.

Blake: "It's (Y/n), he's not afraid to stand up to anyone who challenges him, that's just how he is, but I'm here for Haven, not you." As soon as she said that Adam felt like something in him shattered as he angrily pulled out his scabbard which also happened to be a rifle as he pointed it at her, as Blake drew her Gambol Shroud.

Adam: "You are still afraid and you should be, while you were gone I made powerful friends." He said proudly.

Sun: "Oh yeah? Where?" Sun asked as he came up behind him.

Adam: "Tell me, does Blake make all her classmates fight for her?" He asked Sun while pointing his sword at him.

Sun: "Nah if you ask (Y/n) he'll agree when I say it's a volunteer gig, but I'm just sayin' for someone who claims to have powerful friends, I don't really see anyone willing to fight for you." He said as Adam looked around and saw his men either surrendering or tied up, a single light shine on him from a ship as he realized he was alone.

Blake: "You can try and make me regret coming her,but honestly I have more important things to deal with than you, and you can also try and kill (Y/n) but just know he's stronger than you in everyway because unlike you he has people to fight for, people he's willing to give up anything for, he puts his friends and loved ones before himself, and that's why you'll never beat him." She told him.

Sun: "Cause he has all of us to fight alongside him." Sun added as Adam turned and looked at everyone, soon someone caught his eye as he smirked.

Adam: "Damn...ill admit I lost, but if I'm going to lose everything I worked for like this, then it's only fair I make it even." He said as he turned around quickly and pointed his gun at Jenna, Jenna reacted a bit late as a few fly by her as she summoned her glyph shields as Adam kept shooting at her, Sun and Blake charged at him as they fought for a quick second as Adam then proceeded to run away into the forest nearby, Sun ran after him as Blake grabbed his arm before he could go after him even more.

I AM THE LIGHTNING!!! (A RWBY Fanfic: Nora's Brother Reader) Vol.5Where stories live. Discover now