Chapter Eight: Evening The Odds

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3rd POV:
(At the Branwen tribe camp.)

Raven was in her tent sharping her sword in silence.

Vernal: "Raven, we have a problem." Vernal said coming in her tent.

Raven: "What is it?" She asked her second in command.

Vernal: "Salem's found us." Vernal said as Raven stopped doing want she was doing and was surprised.

Raven: "Salem, okay." She said getting up.

Vernal: "Four of her followers are waiting to speak to you." She Informed.

Raven: "Right, we planned for this. Bring me my helmet." She ordered as Vernal did so as Cinder, Arthur, Mercury, and Emerald stood outside her tent.

" She ordered as Vernal did so as Cinder, Arthur, Mercury, and Emerald stood outside her tent

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Raven walked out with her helmet on.

Raven: "I don't recall inviting so many guests into our home, either I'm losing my memory, or you've all lost your spines!" She shouted out to her tribe.

Cinder: "Don't be too upset with them, Raven, your men simple recognize the powers of a Maiden when they see it." Cinder said as her eye flamed up like any Maiden's should.

Cinder: "Which is why we'd like to have a word with you." She said.

Raven: "Leave us, pack your things, and break down camp, we're moving." Raven said to her tribe as they walked away and did as told.

Watts: "A little late to run and hide, you've been on our master's list for some time, so you must understand that we cannot allow you to just slip away." Watts informed.

Raven: "I know all about your master, but I don't believe we've met." Raven said walking closer to them.

Mercury: "We're the guys you should be afraid of." Mercury said with a smirk.

Raven: "I doubt anyone should be afraid of you." Raven countered.

Mercury: "Oh yeah? Tell that to-"

Cinder: "Quiet." Cinder silenced him.

Raven: "That's what I thought."

Cinder: "I'm Cinder Fall, this is my associate Arthur Watts, and my two disciples, Emerald and Mercury." Cinder introduced.

Raven: "Two children you tricked into following you, a disgraced Atlesian scientist, and a Fall Maiden with a surname so appropriate, she probably picked it out herself, something tells me you got a slight case of egomania, is that about right?" She asked.

Watts: "Ahem, uh technically I was also a doctor, but I must say the rest was spot-on." He added.

Cinder: "Aren't you presceptive?" Cinder said.

Raven: "It's what kept me alive."

Cinder: "I'm afraid the only reason you're still alive is because you have something our master wants, of course if I'm wrong--" She said as she stuck her hand out and created a small flame in her hand as her eye flamed up.

I AM THE LIGHTNING!!! (A RWBY Fanfic: Nora's Brother Reader) Vol.5Where stories live. Discover now