Chapter Nine: Turning Point

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3rd POV:

Qrow and Ozpin, in Oscar's body, were sitting in the living room going over everything that's happened.

Qrow: "Things aren't looking so good Oz, only good thing we've gotten so far is (Y/n)'s extended time before he's hunted down, other than that things aren't going as planned

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Qrow: "Things aren't looking so good Oz, only good thing we've gotten so far is (Y/n)'s extended time before he's hunted down, other than that things aren't going as planned." He said.

Ozpin: "Ever the optimist." He said sarcasticly as he drank a cup of coffee.

Ozpin: "While I would not say our current predicament is...ideal, I think we can both agree that the situation could be much worse, humanity is a resilient force."

Qrow: "Oz, prohuntsmen like that don't just bite it all at once, Salem's powerful, and it seems like her reach is growing by the day, what does that say about humanity?" He asked.

Ozpin: "That there is indeed a misguided few who have filled their hearts with malice, it doesn't take a great number of people to cause harm, but I still believe that there are far more people in this world willing to prevent it." He said.

(Y/n): "Positive thinking Oz." (Y/n) said coming in with Ruby.

Ruby: "Sorry excuse us." She said hitting (Y/n)'s hip for being rude.

(Y/n): "Ow! Sorry where are my manners, jeez." He said.

Ozpin: "It's fine, join us we were just about to call everyone for planning what's next." He said as (Y/n) and Ruby walked in and stood in front of them.

Ruby: "Oh, uh great." She said standing all nervous.

(Y/n): "Ruby go ahead and ask." He said taking a seat next to Oscar.

Qrow: "What's on your mind kiddo?" He asked her.

Ruby: "Well, I...we were wondering, if it's okay to ask." She said.

Qrow: "Of course."

Ruby: "Well, uh...we've been talking about the Relic in Haven and the Spring Maiden...but what about the Fall Maiden?" She asked.

(Y/n): "Now this I want to hear, though I thought you wanted to ask only about the Relic but she's right Oz, what about Cinder? And the Beacon Relic?" He asked.

Ruby: "Yeah what (Y/n) said."

Ozpin: "Very astute you two, I was wondering who'd ask first, but no, Salem does not have the Beacon Relic, it's true that the Haven's Relic is still very much at risk, and for now that should remain our primary focus, but to ease your nerves, let's just say I made finding the Beacon Relic a bit more...challenging than the other schools." He said with a smirk.

(Y/n): "Well that's a relief." He said happily.

Ruby: "Hehe yeah."

Ozpin: "Indeed, but let's not forget the challenges that still lie before us." He said.

I AM THE LIGHTNING!!! (A RWBY Fanfic: Nora's Brother Reader) Vol.5Where stories live. Discover now