Chapter Two: In the Spotlight

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Blake's POV:

It was the day of our speech, finaully the people of Meneagarie were going to see the true face of the White Fang, the people here only want peace not conflict or violence, once they hear what we have to say they won't stand for it, the only hard part is going to be convincing them to help stop Adam's plan of attacking Haven Academy, if Adam and the White Fang go through with this, it will destroy the only chance the Faunus have to make peace with humanity, and worse it will be the Fall of Beacon all over again, but this time we know it's coming, and I will not run or sit around and do nothing, this time I'm willingly to fight, even if I have to do it alone.

Currently my mother, Sun, and I were sitting and waiting as my dad was pacing back and forth, going over his written speech, I could tell he was nervous, After all it has been a while since he ever did a speech, but I believe in him, if anyone can convince the people of Meneagarie to stand and fight it's him, he suddenly stopped and sighed as my mother went and pat his shoulder.

Kali: "Are you ready?" She asked.

Ghira: "Yes, it won't be easy for the people to hear but the truth often isn't, I know they'll do the right thing." He said as I walked and pat his other shoulder as I leaned my head on it, it was just one of those warming things I do, I often did it with (Y/n) at times, he would often say I'm adorable and rub my ears gentle, making me purr in the process, it's embarrassing but he always made me feel comfortable and relaxed, it was part of his charm.

Suddenly my dad was pushed a bit turning to see Sun had patted him on the back.

Sun: "You got this." He said motivating my dad who looked at him funny as my dad walked through the front door and saw a huge crowd surrounding the house and waiting to hear what we had to say, even the White Fang members, Fennc and Corsac, Lady Jenna and Kenny were also sitting on the stage, with lady Jenna's magic she cast an illusion to make her and Kenny have cat ears so no one questions why humans are here, it felt good having them here they made me feel comfortable, Lady Jenna being a sort of grandma and Kenny like a little cousin.

" He said motivating my dad who looked at him funny as my dad walked through the front door and saw a huge crowd surrounding the house and waiting to hear what we had to say, even the White Fang members, Fennc and Corsac, Lady Jenna and Kenny were...

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Ghira: "Thank you all for assembling here,  I wanted to take the time to address some of the rumors that have been circulating around our island, I believe it is important for the people of this territory to understand the truth, no matter how you...

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Ghira: "Thank you all for assembling here,  I wanted to take the time to address some of the rumors that have been circulating around our island, I believe it is important for the people of this territory to understand the truth, no matter how you feel about the human race, I think we can all agree that the event now known as the Fall of Beacon was a tragedy, a tragedy that will send humanity and the Faunus kind back, while the main aggressor is still unknown, we do have official confirmation that Adam Taurus, the leader of a splinter group working inside the White Fang was partially responsible for these attacks, his actions not only tarnished the reputation of an organization originally created to bring peace and equality to all, but to our entire race, with each day this man remains unpunished, it will become increasingly difficult to condemn those that look down upon us." He explained as everyone began muttering among each other as my dad raised his hand for silence.

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