Chapter Eleven: The Bridge Between Two Worlds

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(Y/n)'s POV:

(Y/n): "Choose? Why? Wait Jane I thought you didn't want Thor to know you were here?" I asked her.

Jane: "Like he would need you to help him find out if something was off." She said crossing her arms.

Thor: "She's right I knew she was around all this time, her power is to sense oncoming danger and other's possible deaths as well as sensing negative emotions from others." He informed.

Jane: "Awe you remembered, I'm touched." She said.

(Y/n): "Wait so her power to sense danger, people's possible death, and negative emotions is the power I have?" I asked them.

Thor: "Indeed, that's how you knew something was going to happen to Tracy, those headache you got at random times were also part of the symptoms of her powers awakening within you, my power only enhances your physical aptitudes plus Odin's Force awakens." He informed.

(Y/n): "Well I guess that explains a bunch, but what do you guys mean I have to choose one of your powers?" I asked.

Jane: "You and your sister are the only ones in the family, other than our kids, to have actually awakened the Asguardian gene." She answered.

(Y/n): "Wait what?" I asked.

Jane: "How else do you explain you both being so inhumanly strong? You guys are more energetic, faster, and both your semblances have to do with lightning and electricity." She explained.

(Y/n): "I mean I know it's hereditary and all but if both my sister and I have awakened it, then how come my sister isn't capable of doing half the stuff I can?" I asked.

Thor: "Think of it like this, you and Nora are carry the Asguardian gene, however you are 75% Asguardian and 25% human while as your sister is 25% Asguardian and 75% human, which is why your able to use Odin's Force so naturally, our kids were like Nora so it makes sense that you are able to do more than them." He explained.

Jane: "Which is why it's time to choose, do you want to be full Asguardian? Or would you rather be human?" She asked.

(Y/n): "Wait I need you to explain why I have to choose?" I asked them.

Thor: "(Y/n) you've walked as the bridge between two worlds since you first awakened your aura, I believe you should become a full Asguardian after all doing so will give you more strength and possibly more of my power, the only things you would have to give up is Aura." He said as that kind of freaked me out.

(Y/n): "Like give up my soul?" I asked.

Thor: "Well sort of, basically means when you die you will go to Valhalla instead of wherever these people in Remnant go." He explained.

Jane: "And I say you should stay human, sure you'll probably have to give up Odin's Force and be a bit less stronger than you are now but hey look on the bright side, you can always train to make yourself as strong as you are now again and at least you'll be able to protect your friends better by preventing their possible deaths and sensing oncoming danger better with my Semblance." She explained as I looked at them both with confusion, both had their pros and cons but most importantly either one would help protect my friends and family better, I closed my eye as I thought about it deeply.

(Y/n): "Alright...I made my decision." I said opened my eye and gave a look of seriousness.

Jane: "Well? What do you choose?" She asked.

(Y/n): "I choose both." I said bluntly.

Thor/Jane: "Huh?!" They said confused.

Jane: "Both?"

I AM THE LIGHTNING!!! (A RWBY Fanfic: Nora's Brother Reader) Vol.5Where stories live. Discover now