Chapter Ten: The Fight

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3rd POV:

The moon was, basically, full tonight as (Y/n) and the gang walked to where Lionheart told them to meet up for the raiding party plan, and though it all seemed like all was going to go well (Y/n) couldn't shake the feeling something was

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The moon was, basically, full tonight as (Y/n) and the gang walked to where Lionheart told them to meet up for the raiding party plan, and though it all seemed like all was going to go well (Y/n) couldn't shake the feeling something was...odd tonight.

Ruby: "Hey you okay?" Ruby asked walking to his side.

(Y/n): "Yeah just a little on edge is all, after all we are planning on attacking the Branwen tribe." He said.

Qrow: "Take it easy Red, all were going to do is plan, not just go straight into the action, besides with you, me, Yang, and your sister I'm sure we'll be fine, no offense to the rest of you." Qrow said.

Ruby: "Hey I can tough too." Ruby said.

Weiss: "As can I, I'll have you know my summoning is quite fearsome as well." She said proudly.

Jaune: "Yeah and the rest of us can handle are selves just fine." Jaune added.

Oscar: "I don't know.." Oscar said nervously scratching his head.

(Y/n): "Don't worry Oscar we've got your back." (Y/n) said patting his back as Oscar took that as comfort.

Nora: "Heck yeah! We got you little boy Ozpin." She said also patting his back much to Oscar and Ozpin's dislike of his nickname.

Qrow: "Well not that we need it now, but hopefully the council saw fit to send some Huntsmen and Huntresses for this raid." He said.

(Y/n): "The more, the merrier!" (Y/n) said excitedly as they entered the building.

(Y/n): *Whistles* "This place is fancy, bet this is where they have their dances and assembles

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(Y/n): *Whistles* "This place is fancy, bet this is where they have their dances and assembles." He said looking around impressed.

Nora: "You think so?" Nora asked.

Ren: "Sure is big enough." He said.

Lionheart: "Why hello, thank you for...coming, there...seems to be more of you than last time." He said.

Qrow: "Just like Red over here said, "the more, the merrier." He said.

(Y/n): "That's right this is Yang Xioa Long, our team's female powerhouse and Weiss, she's a sneeze." He said as Yang just crossed her arms and looked away.

I AM THE LIGHTNING!!! (A RWBY Fanfic: Nora's Brother Reader) Vol.5Where stories live. Discover now