Chapter Six: Moment of Peace

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3rd POV:

After the heart warming reunion of RWY + (Y/n), everyone but (Y/n), Qrow, and Oscar went to go eat dinner together, Qrow brought (Y/n) and Oscar downstairs while everyone was upstairs dining so they could discuss things.

(Y/n): "So, what did you want to talk about Qrow?" He asked.

Qrow: "Oscar you mind bring Oz out?" He asked Oscar.

Oscar: "Um sure." He said as his eyes glowed yellow and he switched with Ozpin.

Ozpin: "What did you wish to discuss?" He asked.

Qrow: "Look, I don't know whether you two are doing it not to cause a panic or worry but you being hunted,  is a serious problem." Qrow said to (Y/n).

(Y/n): "I know..."

Ozpin: "Qrow, calm yourself, I understand you're worry, but we need to keep a leveled head about this, as Ruby said this Kasumi is doing you a favor of keeping the other hunters at bay, right?" He asked (Y/n).

(Y/n): "Just for a week, after that I'm fair game to her and everyone.." he said looking down in anger.

Ozpin: "So we have a week to think of something, great, Qrow and I will discuss this among ourselves, for now (Y/n) you may go upstairs and relax with your team and friends, once we come up with something we'll let you know." He assured and put his hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder.

(Y/n): "I...Okay..." (Y/n) said as he headed upstairs.

Qrow: "Why'd you send him upstairs? We need to discuss this now! Their after him!" Qrow said angrily.

Ozpin: "Qrow, be that as it may, he deserves to have a break, he's got a lot to worry about as it is, and I don't want to make it seem like we're pinning this on him, because this isn't his fault, no one is to blame here Qrow, our quest, his strength, and his power alone invites challenge, challenge incites conflict, and conflict breeds catastrophe, and that is what is coming, should the Relic be taken to Salem, (Y/n) is our strongest when it comes to power, and his power will help keep Salem's forces at bay." He informed Qrow, Qrow closed his eyes and understood that it was a fact, (Y/n)'s power, strength, and skills are what makes him a force to be reckon with, and that alone will help keep lives from being lost, Qrow opened his eyes and sighed.

Qrow: "Alright, alright I'll go apologize later, but right now let's just figure out what's next." He said taking out his flask and taking a drink from it.

Ozpin: "Indeed." He said smiling as we shift back to (Y/n), instead of going to go eat and catch up with everyone, he decided to just lean against the wall near the entrance to the living room, and as happy as he was to have Yang and Weiss back, he agreed with Qrow, him being hunted was a huge problem, and not just for himself but for his sister, team, friends, and especially to the mission, should these hunters find out about the Maidens, Salem, and the Relics, it could cause greater problems for everyone, (Y/n) closed his eye in frustration as he grit his teeth, all this was too much, even for him.

Yang: "Hahaha, how do you lose a map at a time like that?!" Yang said laughing at Jaune.

Jaune: "Believe me, I've asked myself  the same thing ever since." Jaune said as everyone was laughing and connecting with one another.

" Jaune said as everyone was laughing and connecting with one another

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