Chapter Twelve: Clash of the Titans

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3rd POV:

Ruby and Yang were now standing together against Emerald and Mercury as the die had been casted, the time to play around was over, now it was time to get serious, Ruby and Yang suddenly traded spots as they used their weapons to boost themselves over to their opponents, Yang took Emerald and Ruby took Mercury, being that Mercury was more skilled in the hand to hand combat department Mercury managed to kick Crescent Rose out of Ruby's hand easily.

Mercury: "Uh oh, what are you going to do now?" He asked her as he tried to punch her, only for Ruby to dodge under him and using her head to headbutt him, much like Ozpin once did to her.

Mercury: "Uh oh, what are you going to do now?" He asked her as he tried to punch her, only for Ruby to dodge under him and using her head to headbutt him, much like Ozpin once did to her

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Mercury grabbed his face in pain as he backed up in surprise, Ruby smiled proudly as she picked Crescent Rose off the ground.

Ruby: "I'm going to do whatever it takes to shut you up." She said loading Crescent Rose.

Nora: "You guys doing okay?" Nora asked Jaune who was still doing his thing to save Weiss.

Jaune: "I-I think so, she's coming to, I just wish whatever I'm doing can go faster." He said.

Nora: "How bout you don't complain  and just be thankful you unlocked  your Semblance when you did." She told him as he looked at her confused.

Jaune: "My Semblance?" He asked.

Nora: "How else do you think your healing her, dummy?" She explained to him.

Jaune was taken back a bit as he looked at what he was doing and saw that Weiss' aura was reforming and helping her at the same time.

Jaune: "No. I don't think I'm healing her, our auras heal our bodies, it feels like I'm using my aura to amplify her's." He explained.

Nora: "Wait aren't you worried about running out?" She asked.

Jaune: "Don't worry, Pyrrah once told me I had a lot of it, I still believe her." He said smiling as he looked at Weiss and she began to open her eyes.

Weiss: "Uhh Jaune?" She said groggly, Nora turned and looked over at Ren as Hazel managed to get a clean hit on his stomach and Ren was sent flying back, Hazel charged electricity in his hand as he shot it out and electrocuted Ren, Ren screamed in pain.

Nora: "Ren!!" Nora shouted concerned.

Jaune: "Go! I got her!" Jaune ordered.

Weiss: "Jaune...whats happening?" She asked.

Jaune: "You took a heavy hit, you need to stay with me while the others fight." He told her.

Weiss: "That's...annoying." She responded as Jaune chuckled.

Jaune: "Good to have you back Weiss." He told her, meanwhile Qrow was thrown back into the railing upstairs as he landed next to Ren, Ozpin dodged Hazel and Lionheart's hits as he fell back on the ground.

I AM THE LIGHTNING!!! (A RWBY Fanfic: Nora's Brother Reader) Vol.5Where stories live. Discover now