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Banging on the door is all Renjun heard as he made his way to the front door. He swung open the door already knowing exactly who would be there. "Can you not be so lou-," he was cut off when he was immediately tackled with a hug. Even though he was slightly annoyed he returned the hug.

When Chenle let go Renjun saw Donghyuk looking him up and down with a face of disgust. "Junie what are you wearing? You can't go to a party in that!" Renjun looked down at his outfit of a long sleeve and sweats. He then looked at what the other two were wearing.

Haechan with a white muscle tank tucked into some black jeans with a navy blue bomber jacket, topped with a black choker. Chenle was wearing a black and white striped shirt with holes in it also tucked into some dark blue jeans, with a black belt, that was cuffed at the end, oh and don't forget he too was wearing a black choker. Both had some subtle but definitely impressive makeup on too.

Renjun raised a brow, "What? Are you guys doing a thing with the matching chokers?" He pointed at both of them.

"Actually yes we are! And you're gonna be apart of it!" Chenle said happily.

"Haha," Renjun laughed dryly. "Oh, what a shame I actually don't have a choker. Oh no so sad," he said sarcastically.

With that Donghyuk smirked and then suddenly pulled one from out of his jacket pocket. "Oh look! I just so happen to have one!" He said cheerfully. Renjun's face fell. 'Damn he's good' he thought to himself. "Now let's go get you an appropriate outfit to wear!" Donghyuk declared and started walking to Renjun's room with Chenle dragging Renjun behind him.


Jaemin was standing in the living room chatting with his friends. He was talking loud so he could be heard over the blaring music and all the other party-goers drunk laughter.

"Yo guys, that's Chenle. I'm gonna go try and talk to him," Jisung suddenly said as his eyes were glued to the person making his way through the crowd and to the other side of the party. Jaemin smirked, this is finally Jaemin's chance to punch that little shit that ran into him and then made him fall.

Everyone made their way over toward where Chenle and his friends were. When they got over there Jisung, Mark, and Jaemin froze, not expecting to see the gorgeous people in front of them.

Jaemin's whole 'punch the guy' plan was completely forgotten as he looked him up and down. The guy was wearing black  skinny jeans with tears all up the thighs and fishnets underneath(can you hear me obnoxiously shouting aesssthetic from a distance?), a loose black hoodie that showed his collar bones, he definitely had some makeup on that made him look hot as hell and was that a choker? Jaemin couldn't do anything but stare.

"Hey, Chenle right? I'm Jisung. You look really nice," Jisung said with a genuine smile. Jisung watched as Chenle's whole face started to go red, making him smile more.

"Th-Thank you! You look really hot too!" After Chenle said that you could see the instant regret on his face. 'Omg, I am the dumbest person alive right now. It's time to throw myself off of a cliff' he thought to himself. When Chenle looked back at Jisung he thought he would be met with a weirded out look but instead got a proud smirk.

"Chenle let's dance," Jisung said as he grabbed Chenle's hand and started dragging him over to the dance area. Chenle looked back at his friends with a shocked and happy expression. Donghyuk gave him a thumbs up.

Donghyuk looked back to the rest of the group when he couldn't see Chenle anymore. He saw that one guy, Mark, looking at him, who immediately looked away and scratched the back of his head when he was caught. Donghyuk rolled his eyes. "Come on. You and I are dancing," he said as he grabbed Mark's arm and pulled him to the dance floor. Mark couldn't reply and just stumbled over his words. "Renjun have fun!" Donghyuk called back to Renjun, trying to encourage him to relax for once. 'So his name is Renjun huh' Jaemin thought to himself.

Now it was just Renjun, Jaemin, and Jeno. Renjun finally noticed Jaemin's stare. No one said anything for a while and Renjun got uncomfortable. "I'm gonna get a drink," he said as he made his way to the kitchen.

Jaemin was about to follow him until he was pulled back by Jeno. "What happened to the whole 'I'm gonna punch him' thing you were going on about?" He asked.

Jaemin looked back in the direction of the kitchen and then back at Jeno. "So now its more complicated and that plan is out," Jaemin announced. "Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go talk with him." Jaemin started to try and make his way towards the kitchen through the packed together crowd.


Renjun opened the fridge and looked in. As he was deciding what to get, he felt someone grab his ass. He turned around quickly to see some drunk dude. "Heeeyyy baaabe. You wanna go somewhere with me?" He asked in a slurred tone.

"No and don't fucking touch me again," Renjun responded with a scowl on his face, crossing his arms.

"Aww don't be like that baaabe," the guy said as he stepped closer. Renjun stepped back but didn't go far as he was stopped by the fridge at his back. He was about to duck away but the guy put his arm in the way, grabbed his hips and pressed him to the fridge with his body.

"Get off!" Renjun tried pushing the guy off and hitting him, which just lead to his hands getting pinned. No one could hear him over the music. The guy started to lean in but Renjun turned his head and scrunched his eyes shut. That didn't stop the guy as he started sucking on Renjun's neck. Renjun wanted to throw up.

Suddenly he felt the guy's weight lifted from him. He opened his eyes to see a pissed off Jaemin punch the drunk guy. "What the fuc-," the guy was cut off by another hard punch, this one knocking him to the floor. The guy laid there cradling his bleeding nose.

Renjun stood there shocked. Jaemin walked over to him, grabbed his wrist, and started dragging him through the crowd. Renjun didn't feel the need to get out of the grasp since Jaemin had just saved him from that guy, so he just let himself be dragged as he tried to get his thoughts together.

Jaemin pulled him into a bathroom then closed and locked the door. "Wha-"

Before Renjun could finish Jaemin grabbed Renjun by the waist and lifted him onto the counter. He then held Renjun's face between his hands. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you anywhere?" Jaemin asked in a concerned tone as he looked over Renjun's face for any injuries.

Renjun was speechless for a second, "Oh. Uh, no I don't think so..." Renjun responded. Renjun was not expecting this kind of concern from this guy he barely just met.

Renjun watched as Jaemin breathed out a sigh of relief and how he looked over Renjun once more to double check. Jaemin was looking and his face fell into a scowl, "Did he do that to you?" He asked in a dark tone while looking at Renjun's neck.

Renjun's eyes widened and he turned around to look into the mirror. There on his neck, a small, light hickey had started forming. Renjun put his hand over it and faced Jaemin again with a frown. "Yeah, he did..." Renjun rubbed his neck while looking down, cringing on the inside as much as the outside. He felt grossed out knowing that creep made a mark on him.

Jaemin's face softened, seeing Renjun's distress. He rested his hand on Renjun's cheek and smiled, "Hey it's okay now. Let's go enjoy the party yeah? I'll stay with you to make sure that guy doesn't come back."

Renjun's heart thumped, 'Shut up no one asked for your input!' He thought to himself. Renjun nodded, "Yeah okay." Jaemin pulled Renjun off of the counter by his waist, resulting in them being pressed together, Jaemin still holding Renjun's hips and Renjun with his hands resting on Jaemin's shoulders for balance. They were staring into each other's eyes until loud knocking was heard.

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