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Jaemin stumbled forward and Renjun quickly caught him, almost tipping over while trying to support him. Once Jaemin was steady, Renjun wrapped Jaemin's arm around his shoulders and held his waist. Then he started leading them to his bathroom, pulling along the slightly limping Jaemin, and sat him down on the toilet. Jaemin had his elbows resting on his knees as he leaned forward, letting his head hang.

Renjun went out of the bathroom and came back with a washcloth. At the sink, he got it wet and squeezed some of the water out and walked over to Jaemin. "Sit up," he commanded. Jaemin obediently sat up, giving Renjun a grin. Renjun came closer and brushed back Jaemin's hair with his free hand then started wiping the dirt and blood from Jaemin's face.

There was nothing but silence between the two as Renjun worked. Jaemin didn't mind since he just got to sit and watch Renjun. Renjun's eyebrows were slightly furrowed in concentration and his lips slightly pouted, 'Cute' Jaemin thought to himself.

Renjun brushed over a cut on Jaemin's eyebrow, making Jaemin flinch with a small hiss. Renjun's concentration was broken for a second as his face flashed a look of concern, before returning to his focused state. He went back to the cut, more gentle this time, making Jaemin have a small grin from seeing how caring Renjun is.

Renjun paused to look over Jaemin's face. He looked around to see if he got most of the blood and dirt off. He scanned Jaemin's face then looked over Jaemin's body. His clothes had dirt and spots of blood on them and his knuckles were bloody and had their share of grime on them too. Renjun sighed and walked out of the bathroom again. A few minutes later he came back in with a towel, a hoodie, and pants.

Jaemin gave Renjun a questioning look. "Just take a shower and I'll bandage you up after you've cleaned up. These are my loose fitting clothes so good luck with that," Renjun didn't spare a second to walk out and close the door behind him.

Jaemin sighed and slowly stood up. He hobbled over to the shower and looked at the controls. Jamin puffed out his cheeks in concentration and started fumbling with them, eventually figuring out how to work it since his shower at home was different.

Renjun sat outside of the bathroom next to the door, waiting. He was pissed about Jaemin getting hurt like that and wondered what happened, did he fight again? He was pissed that he was stood up and if it was because Jaemin was fighting, Renjun was going to smack him.

A while later Renjun heard the shower turn off. He stood up and crossed his arms, waiting a few minutes until, finally, Jaemin came out wearing his clothes. The black hoodie fit pretty well on him and the grey track pants were tight not to mention a little short on Jaemin. "Are you gonna bandage up my hands now princess?" Jaemin asked with a smirk as he watched Renjun's eyes snap back up from trailing his body.

Renjun rolled his eyes at the younger's comment and turned around and started walking back to the couch. Jaemin followed and they both sat down next to each other. Renjun grabbed one of Jaemin's hands and reached over to the little coffee table, where he had set up the stuff needed for bandaging Jaemin up, and grabbed a disinfectant spray. He sprayed Jaemin's split knuckles without warning, making Jaemin jerk in shock and pain. "Jeez Injunie, where's the caring nurse I had a few minutes ago," he hissed.

Renjun ignored him and started wrapping his hand. It went quite for a few seconds as he wrapped. "Why where you beaten up?" Renjun finally asked, not looking up from his task.

Jaemin knew this question was coming but really didn't look forward to answering. "Well... funny story actually," he started, "I was walking out of a flower shop and these three kids attacked me. I think they were part of those kids that Jeno mentioned before," Jaemin explained. Renjun pauses and looked up at Jaemin with a serious and unreadable face.

Renjun pauses for a few seconds. "They attacked you?...and you said and did nothing to them at all before that?" He asked slowly.

"No Junie I promise," Jaemin held up his free hand, as a sign he promised. "I know I can be dumb but I really wouldn't do that and miss our date on purpose Injunie."

Renjun was quiet and looked back down and started wrapping Jaemin's other hand. Jaemin didn't know what to say. Renjun seemed mad at him and he didn't know how to fix it. He didn't want Renjun to be mad at him for standing him up.

Jaemin's thoughts were interrupted when he heard a sniffle. Jaemin looked up from his bandaged hand that Renjun was holding to see Renjun's eyes all watery. Jaemin's eyes widened in shock, "Hey hey hey," he said as he moved closer to Renjun and cupped his face, "I'm so sorry I stood you up Renjunie and for fighting."

Renjun looked up into Jaemin's eyes, a few tears escaped and ran down his face. He sniffed, "You're so s-stupid! That's not w-why I'm c-crying! I-I was scared when y-you didn't show up and then you come all beaten up," he choked out, trying to hold back his tears, "W-What if this happens again and-and you're hurt even w-worse next time?" Renjun questioned as he wiped some tears away with the palm of his hand.

Jaemin was left speechless. He didn't realize how much the older worried about him and how much him getting into trouble could affect Renjun. Jaemin pulled Renjun into a hug, which made the shorter let go and cry into his chest. "I'm so sorry Renjun. I never meant to make you worry so much. I think I get why you don't want me to go around fighting anymore," Jaemin really cared for Renjun and doesn't want to see him sad like that. "It's okay now, seriously. I know you didn't want me fighting but I beat them up pretty bad."

Renjun pulled away to look Jaemin in the eyes with a serious expression. "If someone is trying to hurt you, I give you permission to beat them up, got it?" Renjun asked.

Jaemin laughed and nodded. Reaching up to run his thumbs across Renjun's cheeks, wiping away the tears. "Of course Renjunie," Jaemin said. There was a pause where Jaemin was looking down into Renjun's eyes while cupping his cheeks.

Renjun's heart felt like it skipped a beat. His hands rested on Jaemin's chest and the air suddenly was very warm. He felt really calm at the moment but excited at the same time. His heart feeling like it was about to beat out of his chest.

Jaemin stared down at Renjun, admiring everything about him. He started to leaned down, slowly getting closer and closer, until there lips gently brushed against each other. Jaemin made the kiss a little deeper, which Renjun responded to.

Renjun's heart was beating fast. He was in a trance and he could only focus on Jaemin. Jaemin tried pulling Renjun closer but grunted in pain and broke the kiss. Renjun smiled, "It looks like you need some rest."

Jaemin groaned. "I don't want rest, I want to stay right here," he whined. He pouted his lips and gave Renjun puppy eyes.

Renjun rolled his eyes. "Well since I'm tired I think I'm going to go lay down and you can be here all by yourself since you want to stay right here so bad," Renjun said with a smile and stood up.

Jaemin frowned then sighed. "You're so mean to me Injunie," he mumbled before trailing behind Renjun, towards his bedroom. Once they got in Renjun's bed, Jaemin pulled Renjun close to him to cuddle. "Thank you so much Injunie," he mumbled, followed by a "Goodnight."

Renjun buried his head into Jaemin's chest and he mumbled back a "Goodnight."

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