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Renjun woke up around nine in the morning, getting to sleep in a little since it was finally Saturday. He stretched and let out a big yawn, then smiled up at his ceiling, remembering that tonight he was going to have dinner with Jaemin. He never thought that he would be actually excited to be going to dinner with Jaemin, at the beginning of the school year all Jaemin was to him was one of the school's bad boys, a person he would roll his eyes at and judge since he thought they were so obnoxious.

Renjun got out of bed and headed for the kitchen, getting a bowl and pouring some cereal in it, Cinnamon Toast Crunch to be exact because it was one of the best cereals out there. He ate his cereal while scrolling on his phone. When he was done he got a text from the group chat he had with Chenle and Donghyuck.

Hey me and Chenle want to come over

Isn't that interesting

Pleeease Renjun🥺

Well since you asked so nicely of course you can come over🥺

I hate you


A few minutes later Renjun heard knocking at his door and he made his way over to open it. When he opened the door there stood Chenle and Donghyuck, who he immediately let in. They all went over to the couch and sat down.

Donghyuck turned to look at Renjun. "So how did it go with Jaemin?" He asked, wanting to know all the details, because he loves to be nosy.

Renjun smiled. "It went good, I'm actually supposed to have dinner with him tonight," he said with his head down, feeling a little shy.

"Oh my gosh! You have a date!" Chenle said excitedly, practically bouncing in his seat.

Renjun's head snapped up. "We never said it was a date!" Renjun said, getting more and more embarrassed talking about it. You could see his face slowly getting more red.

Donghyuck and Chenle gave each other a look before turning the look to Renjun. It was a look saying that everyone knew it was a date and you aren't fooling anyone. Renjun let out a huff, followed by a sigh of defeat, knowing he wasn't even fooling himself. "Okay... it might be kind of a date..." he mumbled.

Chenle and Donghyuck started cooing to tease Renjun a little. Renjun did not enjoy and threw a pillow at them. "Okay but what about you Donghyuck!?" Renjun questioned, pointing a finger at Donghyuck's face.

Donghyuck slapped Renjun's hand out of his face and smirked. "Well, I think I have myself two men who really like me," he said as he crossed his arms and leaned back into the couch.

Chenle and Renjun leaned in, not sure they heard correctly. "I'm sorry, did you just say T W O men?" Chenle asked.

Donghyuck nodded. "Yes. You guys already know about Mark but I'm convinced Jeno likes me too," he said.

Renjun pursed his lips and thought back to all the times they were with Jeno, and now that he actually thought about it, he noticed how Jeno had started paying more attention to Donghyuck and was getting that love sick puppy look in his eyes anytime he was near Donghyuck. "Oh my god that actually makes a lot of sense now," Renjun said.

"Well what are you going to do about it?" Chenle asked.

"Yeah do you even like Jeno?" Renjun added.

This is when Donghyuck began to pout. "See that's the thing. I think I like Jeno, but I still like Mark!" He sighed, leaning his head back. "I just don't see why I can't have both of them," he whined.

"Jeez selfish much," Renjun said.

"Bitch we all know how selfish I am," Donghuck snapped.

"Well I don't see why you can't have both," Chenle said, "I mean just tell them how you feel and see what happens."

Donghyuck pouted his lips. "I guess you're right." After that they decided to watch more movies because they have no life until it was six o'clock.

"Alright time for you guys to leave, I need to get ready," Renjun announced. At first the others tried to resist but Renjun eventually managed to push them out.

Now that he was alone he went to his bedroom and picked out an outfit. He decided on a loose button up white long sleeve, which he would tuck into his faded blue ripped skinny jeans and he would wear his black vans. Renjun thought that was dressed up but not too dressed up, it seemed just right. He then got in the shower, then when he got out he put on the clothes he had picked out. He did up his hair and checked the time: six-fifty. Renjun went out of his room and sat on the couch, tapping his foot while waiting.

He waited...and waited...and waited. That went on for twenty minutes. Renjun decided to text Jaemin, but got no response. He decided to call Jaemin, but again got no response. Renjun decided to wait again, so he sat back in the couch, arms crossed, and tapping his foot. He waited for another thirty minutes so it was seven-forty and Renjun was really trying to give Jaemin the benefit of the doubt so he decided to wait until eight o'clock. Renjun put his head down into his hands.

It was nine and Renjun was, first of all, pissed not to mention hurt. He got up and went to his room. He tore off his clothes and got on comfy clothes. He stomped out of his room and went into the kitchen, grabbed snacks, then plopped himself on his couch. He bundled himself in a big blanket and put on a movie.

Every now and then he zoned out from the movie, thinking about what happened. Why didn't Jaemin come? He wasn't answering his phone. Did he just stand me up, like some sort of joke? What if he's hurt? This question bounced around his head, making him more and more worried as time passed by. What if he was hurt?! What if he was in a motorcycle crash? What if he fell-

Renjun's head snapped up when there was a knock on the door that interrupted his thoughts. He tried to jump up but got tangled up in the blanket but fell. "Fuck!" He shouted, trying to get up and make his way to the door after hitting his knee.

Renjun ripped open the door and his face fell when he saw what was on the other side. Jaemin stood there, or leaned on the doorframe, looking beat up. He had bruises and cuts scattered on his face. There was dried blood coming from his nose and his mouth. Renjun gasped and covered his mouth.

Jaemin went to smile at Renjun but hissed at the pain from the cut on his lip as it reopened and blood started trickling from it. "Honey I'm home," Jaemin said and giving a low effort jazz hand.

Whats up guys! Thank you guys for leaving such nice comments on the last chapter!♡♡ Tell me what's you're favorite type of cereal?

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