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They were in the kitchen and had some music blasting. "NAAAA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NAAAA NA NA NA NA NA NA," Jaemin obnoxiously screamed along to Love Shot by EXO.

They had gotten back to Renjun's place and started making the cookie dough. Renjun had the great idea of putting on music, after searching for his phone for a good fifteen minutes until it was found wedged under the couch cushion and calling his angry friends to tell them he was alive and well.

Jaemin got really into this song in particular, screaming and dramatically singing along, doing some of the moves from the dance while holding a spoon until it ended. Renjun watched in shock as he slowly stirred the dry ingredients together, not really focused on the task.

When the song finished Jaemin just continued to crack the eggs into his bowl of ingredients and stirring like nothing happened. Renjun burst out laughing and started clapping. "That was great," he said as he laughed. Jaemin smiled shyly, his ears tinting pink as he watched Renjun giggle. "Umm... my favorite group is EXO..." he mumbled with his head down and ears tinted pink, not used to willingly sharing such seemingly minimal information about himself to people, besides his friends that he grew up with.

Renjun smiled at the younger. "I love CBX, they're my favorite," Renjun shared too, wanting to offer up something of his own since Jaemin was being more open with him. Jaemin perked up at that with a big grin showing in his face.

They continued on with the mixing while chatting some, making each other laugh. Soon they had the dough ready to be shaped and placed on the tray.

Once the cookies were in the oven Renjun sat on the couch, closing his eyes and just relaxing for a moment. He felt the couch dip next to him and could feel the gaze of a certain pink haired boy on him. He sighed and opened his eyes to look over at Jaemin, who looked like he had stars in his eyes while watching Renjun. Renjun's breath got caught in his throat. They stared at each other for a few seconds and Renjun thought about how Jaemin was someone he enjoyed spending time with and basically a puppy once you get to know him.

"RENJUN!" Donghyuk yelled as he stomped through the front door, making Renjun jump. The others trailed in behind him. Renjun groaned.

"Are those cookies I smell!?" Chenle questioned while Jisung was standing right next to him, their fingers entwined, looking equally excited as Chenle.

"Yeah they're in the kit-" Renjun didn't get to finish as the two youngest ran into the kitchen. "YAH! They're still cooking! Don't mess with them!" Renjun called.

"So you really skipped school to hang out with your new boyfriend huh?" Donghyuk said as he sat on the other side of the couch with a pout.

Renjun looked away from the kitchen entrance and sighed. "Hyuk you know that's not what happened. I already told you why, you just want to be dramatic," Renjun accused, while squinting his eyes at the other boy.

Donghyuk gasped loudly and put a hand on his chest, putting on a very offended expression. "Me!? Dramatic!? Nooooo, never!" He exclaimed in the most dramatic way possible, then smirking. Jeno and Mark walked over sitting on the couch both on either side of Donghyuk.

"Anyways, did you bring me my school work?" Renjun asked. Renjun would have to make up all his absent work tonight and remember to call into school saying he was sick today.

"Of course I do. It's in Chenle's backpack," Donghyuk confirmed pointing over to the pile of backpacks by the front door. Renjun sighed and decided to get it later.

"I'm gonna go get some water," Jeno said as he got up and made his way to the kitchen. He went through the entryway but was right back out a few seconds later. Jeno sat back down with a disturbed look on his face, "I don't think I'm thirsty anymore."

Renjun was concerned about what he saw so he got up and walked to the kitchen followed by Jaemin, Donghyuk, and Mark. He looked into the kitchen to see Jisung and Chenle making out. "What the hell," Renjun took off his slipper and threw it at their heads, breaking them out of their little moment, "NOPE! YOU ARE BABIES AND I WILL NOT HAVE YOU SUCKING FACE IN MY KITCHEN," Renjun announced.

Jisung pouted, "Aw you're no fun."

Renjun was about to say something more but the oven timer went off, signaling the cookies were done. He walked over, put on some mittens and pulled out the cookies. Chenle and Jisung were right behind him looking really excited. Renjun set the tray down and turned to look at them, "You will not touch these until they cool down, got it?" He said with his most threatening face and voice, making them both gulp and nod.

Everyone walked out of the kitchen, Chenle and Jisung with small pouts and Renjun going over to Chenle's backpack to get his work. He walked over to sit back down on the couch and was pulled into Jaemin's lap. Renjun gave Jaemin a 'bitch wtf' look and Jaemin just wrapped his arms around Renjun's waist, hugging him tight, and burying his face into Renjun's back. Renjun sighed and just focused back onto his work. They all spent the next few hours peacefully, Chenle and Jisung giggling to themselves, Jeno, Donghyuk, and Mark chatting, and Renjun finishing his work.

It was now around eight o'clock and everyone was yawning. "Okay everyone get out of my house so I can sleep," Renjun said through a yawn. They were all gathered by the door. Chenle and Donghyuk gave Renjun a hug goodbye, Jisung, Mark, and Jeno giving a nod, before making their way out of the door. Jaemin grabbed Renjun's hand, bringing it up to his lips and giving it a kiss. He looked in Renjun's eyes with a smirk, seeing the older's tinted cheeks. "See you at detention tomorrow," he said, then walked out of the door.

Renjun frowned then closed the door. "I forgot I have detention with those idiots," he said to himself.

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