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They separated and made their way to the door. Jaemin grabbed Renjun's hand before opening the door and lead them out. Some people around the door stared at them, wondering who Jaemin just came out of the bathroom with.

Renjun put his head down, not enjoying the attention. 'Why is everyone so nosy all the time' he thought to himself. He didn't need the whole school talking about him. He wasn't a fan of people being in his business.

Jaemin pulled Renjun through the crowd until they were on the back porch area. There they found their friends talking or playing beer pong. Not as many people were out back, so it was way less crowded.

"Woooo!" Jeno shouted as he sank the ping pong ball into the last cup he needed for victory. He punched the air in celebration, obviously very tipsy. "Who's my next challenger?!" Jeno shouted into the crowd.

Jaemin leaned over to Renjun, pressing his nose into Renjun's hair with his mouth close to his ear. "You want to play Injunie?" Jaemin asked in a hushed tone.

Chills ran down Renjun's spins as Jaemin's breath fanned over his ear. His cheeks heated up a little from the nickname, "Sure," he said. He pushed Jaemin's face away with his hand, "Don't call me that."

Jaemin just smiled knowing he affected Renjun just then. They walked over to the table. "Yo! Jeno, me and Renjun will play," Jaemin announced to Jeno, who was setting up the cups again.

"Ok but now I need a partner," Jeno looked around. He spotted Mark and Donghyuk talking in a corner. "Mark! Get over here! You're my partner!" Mark looked over at Jeno, his face filled with annoyance from being interrupted.

Mark, being the good friend he is, went over and played with Jeno. "Okay since I was interrupted for this we better win," Mark said to Jeno, who just smiled and nodded.

Jaemin went up and his first shot went into one of the cups. Jaemin just smirked as Mark and Jeno played rock paper scissors to see who would have to drink. Mark ended up downing the first drink of the game.

Renjun stepped up to take his shot. He really got into it and focused on the opponent's cups. He got on his tiptoes and took his shot. Unfortunately, it bounced off the rim of a cup, making him pout a little. "Aww Injunie don't be upset, it's ok," Jaemin said, seeing the shorter boy's pout.

Renjun just crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. The other team was up to take their turn. Mark aimed the ball and tossed, landing in one of their cups. "Don't worry I'll drink this one," Jaemin said as he picked up the cup.

Before he could drink it Renjun took the cup out of Jaemin's hand and downed the shot easily. "That's okay, but I can handle it," Renjun said as he gave the empty cup back to Jaemin. 'What? Does he think I can't handle a shot?' Renjun questioned. He wasn't gonna look weak in front of everyone. Jaemin had an amused face on. He's starting to really enjoy Renjun.

Jeno took his turn but failed miserably, even missing the whole table. This made it Jaemin and Renjun's turn again. Jaemin made his shot effortlessly, Renjun guessing he's some beer pong wizard.

Renjun had the ball now. He was trying to focus again when he felt arms wrap themselves around his waist, making his eyes widen in shock at the sudden contact. He then heard Jaemin's deep voice whisper in his ear, "You have to relax. Stop concentrating so much. Take a deep breath and then go for your shot," he coached.

Weirdly enough Renjun let the small buzz of the alcohol allow him to relax into Jaemin's embrace. He took a deep breath and then tossed the ball making it straight into a cup. Renjun was surprised that Jaemin's advice actually helped, though he still gave a small smile.

"You are so cute!" Jaemin said as he brought up one hand to squish Renjun's cheeks, making him pucker his lips like a fish.

Renjun pushed Jaemin away from him. "Don't call me cute," he said defiantly. Jaemin just continued to smile at the cute shorty.

They continued to play beer pong. Jaemin and Renjun got the balls back since both of them made it in. For the rest of the game, it was mostly Jaemin and Renjun winning. Jaemin had to take two shots before they won, not letting Renjun drink them this time.

By the time they were at their last shot to victory the rest of their friends had gathered around the table. Renjun had to make the winning shot. He was focusing on that last cup and getting nervous he won't make it. At that moment, making that last shot was his one goal in life.

Before he decided to try and make the shot he felt an arm wrap behind him and a hand on his waist. He looked to his left to see Jaemin focused on the last cup as well. "You can do it Injun. I believe in you, just relax," Jaemin said reassuringly.

Renjun for some reason felt really comforted by that. He took a deep breath and tossed. Everyone held their breaths watching it fly through the air. Then it finally went into the last cup. Everyone cheered and gasped.

Renjun jumped up and down in victory, "Hell yeah!" He got so excited he turned to Jaemin and hugged him, wrapping his arms around his neck. Jaemin was obviously shocked at first, but quickly got over it and wrapped his arms around Renjun's body.

That only lasted a few good seconds before Renjun pulled away. Before he could say anything he got engulfed by hugs from Chenle and Donghyuk. "Yaaayy you won! That was amazing!" Chenle complimented.

"Yeah that was great," Donghyuk added, "Our little Renjunie livin it up (😉if you know what I mean) at a party!" He said as he pinched Renjun's cheek.

Renjun slapped Donghyuk's hand away from his face and stuck his tongue out at him. His cheeks were then squished together by two large hands, making him a fish again. "Aww, you're just too cute! I can't resist," Jaemin cooed.

Renjun slapped his hands on Jaemin's cheeks to squish Jaemin's cheeks together too and pushed him away. Jaemin rubbed his cheeks with a pout, "Aww Renjun that hurt."

Renjun crosses his arms. "Well it wouldn't have happened if you stopped squishing my cheeks," he said matter of factly. Donghyuk and Chenle were watching this all go down from the side with knowing smirks on their faces.

"Ok it's late we're heading out," Donghyuk announced as he dragged Renjun with him through the back doors, into the house, with Chenle following behind while waving with a cute eye smile at Jisung.

Mark and Jaemin tried to go after them to at least ask for their numbers, but they were lost in the crowd too quickly. They walked back out to the porch to see Jeno curled into a ball, hugging a pillow, and passed out on the couch next to Jisung, who had his face in his phone with a wide grin on his face.

"Hey, why are you so happy huh? Chenle and his friends left just now," Mark asked bitterly, plopping down onto the chair next to the couch.

Jisung looked up from his phone with a raised brow. He then had a smirk on his face as he said tauntingly, "Because I got Chenle's number while we were talking earlier." He held up his phone and shook it in his friends' faces to tease them more.

"Dammit!" Jaemin yelled. He thought about it for a moment until he realized something. "Wait. We go to the same school. I can just get his number Monday," Jaemin nodded his head. Now all he had to do was wait for Monday to come.

I wrote this before that save dream where Jaemin squished Renjun's cheeks so this adds to the case that I'm psychic

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