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The movie was going well, it was another scary one. Renjun looked around the room, he saw Jeno with crossed arms and head leaning all the way back in a peaceful but uncomfortable looking sleep, Chenle hiding away in Jisung's arms, he watched as Mark did the classic 'yawn-arm-wrap-around' on Donghyuk, who just rolled his eyes and leaned into it, then Renjun looked over at Jaemin, who was on the other side of the L shaped couch, staring directly at him. He quickly looked back at the tv screen. Occasionally he would glance at Jaemin, who would still be staring at him.

Renjun just did his best to focus on the movie. It was so late into the night and everyone was getting tired, eventually falling asleep.


Renjun woke up in a not so comfortable position, his head was resting on Jeno's shoulder at an awkward angle so his neck was really sore. He opened his eyes and looked around the living room, everyone was asleep. Donghyuk had his head comfortably resting on Mark's shoulder and Mark's head on top of Donghyuk's. Chenle and Jisung had been sitting on the floor last night and ended cuddled up there. Jaemin... was not in the living room.

Renjun got up and walked into the kitchen to find that Jaemin was not in there either. This apartment isn't big so he could either be in the bathroom or in Renjun's bedroom since his mother always keeping her room locked while she was away, which was always, the latter of the two ideas making Renjun irritated. He went over to the bathroom and saw the door wide open. 'That little shit's in my room!' Renjun yelled in his head. He didn't like people going into his room without permission.

Renjun pushed open his ajar door and looked inside and his eyes widened, he didn't expect to see what he saw, to say the least. He walked over to his bed where Jaemin laid, bundled up in the comforter and hugging Renjun's Moomin plushie. Renjun would've slapped the older in the face to wake him up and tell him to get out of his room, but for some odd reason didn't want to do that to the very peaceful looking Jaemin. He sighed and looked around his room, the only thing he saw out of place was the permanent markers laying on his desk that were originally in his desk drawer. 'What was he doing with these?' Renjun asked himself. He shrugged it off and put them back into their proper place.

Renjun walked back into the kitchen but immediately walked out, knowing there was no food in there. Renjun quickly went out and got supplies from the little store next door. He came back in and went straight to the kitchen, pausing for a second to look at everyone still asleep in the living room. He then started making his favorite breakfast meal, waffles, from scratch. He followed a recipe he searched up with his waffle maker that hasn't been used in ages.

Soon the smell and clattering from the kitchen woke up the people sleeping and they slowly started streaming into the kitchen. Donghyuk came in first with a loud obnoxious yawn, "Those look so good," he complimented while still yawning. Mark followed right behind him and was nodding.

Next came Chenle and Jisung, both with a soft smile on their, blushing, faces. "It's been forever since you made us waffles Renjunie!" Chenle said excitedly.

"That smells soooo good," Jaemin said in a deep morning voice, and it totally didn't just make Renjun blush of course. Jaemin went over to the cabinet, grabbed a glass then poured himself a glass of milk, then leaned on the counter next to Renjun. Renjun just continued to finish making the waffles then started putting them on plates for everyone.

Everyone heard a loud and long stretching noise come from the living room. A few seconds later Jeno walked in and Jaemin, who was in mid drink, spit the milk everywhere, bursting into laughter. Everyone looked at Jeno and had the same reaction. "... what's so funny?" Jeno asked confused. No one answered and just kept laughing, so he ran to the bathroom and looked at himself. "What the hell!" Everyone heard him shout from the bathroom. He quickly walked back into the kitchen. "Who did this!?" Jeno asked as he pointed to his face that had been graffitied all over.

Everyone stopped laughing and looked at each other. Renjun looked at Jaemin who had a small smirk on his face, Renjun then remembered the permanent markers on his desk and knew it was him. Jeno and Jaemin made eye contact and Jeno knew as well, from that smirk. "You fucker! You did this," he accused.

Jaemin raised his hand to his chin and rubbed it, looking up like he was thinking. "Oh yeah, my hand might have slipped when I saw you and Renjun sleeping on the couch last night," he said as he went back to his smirk and looking Jeno in the eyes.

Jeno rolled his eyes. "You're so annoying. Sleep with one eye open because I'm coming for you," Jeno said as he sat down and started eating his plate of waffles, waiting until after he fed his growling stomach to attempt and get the doodles off his face.

Everyone resumed talking and chatting and Renjun put the plates down on his dining table that they would all have to squish around. There were only four chairs so people had to sit on each other's laps. Jisung sat at one chair and patted his lap while looking at Chenle. Chenle's cheeks lit up and he started waving his hands, "It's okay I'll just stand here!"

Jisung smiles and grabbed one of Chenle's waving hands and pulled him down onto his lap. "Why would I let a little prince like you stand when he could sit right here?" Jisung said, smirking ever so slightly when he saw Chenle's cheeks get a darker shade.

Before Mark could start saying something dumb to try and "casually" ask Donghyuk to sit with him, Donghyuk just pushed him into the chair and sat on his lap. "Mark feed me waffles!" He demanded with a cute pout, knowing Mark would do it anyway, which he did, like the whipped boy he is.

Jeno had already claimed a seat and Jaemin took the remaining one. Renjun had been handing out the plates of waffles and now came back to the table with his own plate. He looked over at Jeno them at Jaemin, who had his eyebrows raised expectantly. Renjun didn't really know what the younger was expecting so he slowly made his way towards Jeno, but immediately stopped when Jaemin's eyes became daggers as he glared at Renjun's actions. Jaemin patted his lap and Renjun then understood what the younger wanted.

Renjun rolled his eyes but went over and sat on his lap. "Awww Injunie, look how cute," Jaemin said as he pinched one of Renjun's cheeks.

Renjun slapped his hand away. "Okay I'm sitting with Jeno," Renjun said as he started getting up, immediately getting pulled back down.

"Don't joke like that Injunie," Jaemin said pouting. He leaned into Renjun's ear and whispered, "I only want you for myself." This sent chills down Renjun's spine. He didn't want to deal with Jaemin so he shoved Jaemin's face away and stuffed a bite of waffle into his mouth.

Donghyuk got a few notifications and he looked at his phone. His eyes widened as he read the message. "Guys, it's Tuesday... and we're two hours late to school," he said looking up from his phone at everyone.

Everyone suddenly stood up and ran into Renjun's room or the bathroom, and by everyone, it was Renjun, Chenle, and Donghyuk. Jeno just ate his waffles and the other three pouted because they didn't want breakfast to end. They all heard Renjun yell from his room, "Get yourselves ready because you guys are taking us to school!" Making them all sigh.

Hey lads, thanks for reading my book and feel free to leave a vote for it, you know only if you want to aha ahaha

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