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It was Monday and Jaemin couldn't find Renjun anywhere. He actively looked in the halls and looked through windows of classrooms just to see if he was in one of the rooms.

"Where is he!?" Jaemin exclaimed. He put his head in his hands as he sat at the lunch table. Everyone in the group just gave him questioning looks.

"Do you mean that one kid from the party uh... Renjie?" Mark asked.

Jaemin's head shot up immediately, "His name is Renjun and I don't want to hear that disrespect ever again," Jaemin said squinting his eyes at Mark, who just rolled his.

"Why don't you just go ask his friends?" Jeno asked, making a really good point.

Jaemin slapped his hand to his head, making his forehead red. "Why didn't I think of that," Jaemin said defeatedly with a sigh. "Jisung! Where does your boyfriend sit?" Jaemin asked, turning to Jisung who choked on his sandwich.

"He's not my boyfriend!... yet anyways," Jisung corrected. "He's over there." Jisung pointed in front of him and past a few tables of students. Jaemin followed his point and found Chenle sitting with Donghyuk.

"Thanks," Jaemin said quickly as he got up and made his way over to Chenle's table. 'Ha! No wonder that punk made us switch seats at the beginning of the year, he wanted to stare at Chenle' Jaemin thought to himself, thinking back to how a few weeks into school Jisung begged to trade spots with him at their lunch table.

"Hey, where's Renjun?" He asked them. They both looked up, realizing his presence. They turned to each other and gave knowing looks before turning back to Jaemin.

"Why should we tell you?" Donghyuk asked as he crossed his arms. He wanted to mess with Jaemin a little bit.

Jaemin furrowed his brows and leaned towards them, putting his hands on the table. "Because I want to know," he said in an annoyed voice.

"Hmmm nope! I don't think that's a good enough reason!" Donghyuk smiled at Jaemin, knowing he was getting on the younger's nerves.

Jaemin gritted his teeth in frustration but immediately stopped and straightened and composed himself. He glanced at Chenle, who had been watching the drama go down. "Hm okay then, I guess I'll just go back to my table and complain to Jisung about how rude you guys wer-"

"He's on the roof!" Chenle interrupted, just like Jaemin wanted. "He didn't get a lot of sleep last night so he went up there and was planning to skip the last two periods," Chenle continued and Donghyuk sighed loudly while rolling his eyes.

Jaemin smirked, "Thanks." Jaemin looked back over at his table and sent a wink to his friends, who were all looking at him with a questioning look. He walked out of the cafeteria and made his way up to the roof. He climbed the stairs and reached the top, stopping to take a few breaths. 'Really Renjun? You just had to go to the roof' he thought to himself.

He opened the door to a partially cloudy sky and looked around. He spotted a figure laying on his back on the ground, his head resting on his hand and a small open book laying on the persons face with only blonde hair to be seen.

Jaemin smirked as he walked over to Renjun and crouched down. Jaemin lifted the book off of Renjun's face to see the boys peaceful, sleeping face. Jaemin smiled thinking he was cute.

A cloud moved out of the way of the sun and light shined onto Renjun's face. Renjun's face scrunched up in displeasure. He slowly opens his eyes to see Jaemin smiling down at him. He shot up in shock, causing their heads to smash together. "Ah! What the fuck were you doing!?" Renjun yelled as he clutched his forehead.

Jaemin, who was sitting on his butt and holding his forehead hissed a response, "I wanted to talk to you."

Renjun looked at Jaemin like he had three heads then rolled his eyes. He stood up, grabbing his backpack and book and started to walk towards the door.

Jaemin quickly gets up and runs over to him, stopping Renjun from opening the door by pushing it closed with his hand next to Renjun's head. Renjun turned around with an annoyed face. "What Jaemin?" Renjun snapped. He wasn't up for talking after getting rudely awoken from his nap.

Jaemin gave a sweet smile and tilted his head, "Give me your number." Jaemin gave his best, most convincing smile he could come up with in hopes of acquiring the shorter's number.

"Sorry I don't give out my number to people I barely know," He answered, crossing his arms and looking to the side.

Jaemin pouted. "But if you give me your number I can get to know you better," he whined, leaning in closer to Renjun. "Please~," he continued to beg.

"Oh my god! Fine I'll give it to you if you leave me alone!" Renjun exclaimed. Jaemin really was getting on his last nerves.

"Yaaayyy," Jaemin gave a small cheer as they exchanged phones. Renjun watched as Jaemin entered his information while smiling to himself and just sighed. "Here you go! Now you can text or call me anytime you want!" Jaemin said excitedly.

Renjun looked at his new contact:


Renjun smiled a little to himself at the cute name. "Yeah whatever Nana," he responded. He looked up from his phone to see Jaemin with a serious face and he widened his eyes.

"You should call me that more. I really like it," he said with a smirked. "And I'll call you Injunie~," Jaemin said as he held up his phone, showing off Renjun's contact name.


Renjun's cheeks heated up in embarrassment at the nickname and the fact Jaemin changed his simple 'Renjun' to that. The bell rang meaning it was time to go to class. "Well looks like I've got to go now," Renjun said as he opened the door and started walking down the stairs.

Jaemin followed behind him, "Weren't you gonna skip the last two classes? I wouldn't think you were the type of person to do that though."

Renjun scowled, "Who told you tha-," Renjun cut himself off, realizing he knew exactly who told him. "Really Chenle," he mumbled to himself. "Well, I change my mind..." Renjun said hesitantly, not really wanting to go to class.

"Hmm or," Jaemin paused to get Renjun's attention, "you and I can go over to your place and watch movies," Jaemin offered. Renjun would've immediately refused but the suggestion didn't sound bad at all actually.

He sighed, wondering if he'd regret this. "Okay sure, why not," he confirmed. By now they reached the hallways crowded with students heading towards their classes.

Jaemin smirked and grabbed Renjun's hand, pulling him through the crowd. Everyone in the halls turned their attention towards them. It was the party all over again, except this time it was worse because everyone in school found it necessary to watch the bad boy, Jaemin, walk through the hall and with who. Some people even took pictures of them. Renjun knew he was in for it big time once his friends saw the pictures.

They were outside and Jaemin pulled them to a motorcycle. 'Really. A motorcycle. How cliche can this get??' Renjun thought to himself, even though he couldn't deny the fact that the idea of Jaemin on a motorcycle was pretty hot.

"Come, hop on and don't forget to hold on tight," Jaemin said as he got on. "Oh wait come here," Jaemin gestured him to come to him with his finger. Renjun walked over to him and Jaemin shoved his bike helmet onto his head.

"What the fuck," Renjun said as he adjusted the helmet. He looked at Jaemin then around the bike. "What about you? You need a helmet too," he said with a small pout.

Jaemin gave a small chuckle. "Don't worry about me, baby boy. I'm only concerned about you," he said as he put on sunglasses.

Renjun's face heated up, "Wha-I'm older than you!" Renjun yelled as he hopped on the back of the motorcycle, wrapping his arms around Jaemin's waist.

Jaemin smiled to himself, "Yeah yeah. Just make sure you hold on tight." With that, they rode out of school.

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