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Renjun jumped awake after hearing someone banging on his door. He was sore from sleeping on the couch and felt like shit. He got up off the couch and rubbed his neck, sighing to himself as the knocking continued. 'I'm about to kill whoever's on the other side of that door' Renjun thought as he slowly made his way over.

He opened the door and was shocked to see Jaemin with a worried expression. "Oh-um, hi Jaemin," Renjun said awkwardly, the anger he had moments before slipping away, "What are you doing here?"

Jaemin raised a brow at him. "Do you know what time it is?" Renjun's face showed a look of confusion before he held up his wrist and moved his sleeve out of the way to see the screen On his watch.

Renjun squinted to see it was about 10:30 and his eyes widened. "Shit," he groaned as he turned around and walked back to the couch. He laid down and buried his face into a pillow. "Well I might as well skip the rest of the school day," he mumbled into the pillow.

Jaemin sat down next to Renjun. "Wow, how rebellious of you," Jaemin teased. "So why didn't you show up to school?"

Renjun rolled on his back and pouted up at the ceiling. "I fell asleep on my couch and I guess my phone is dead and got lost into the void of this couch since it didn't wake me up," Renjun explained. Renjun then realized that Jaemin was here talking to him instead of being at school, "Shouldn't you be at school right now?" He asked, now looking at Jaemin.

"Well technically yes," Jaemin started, "but you didn't show up and you're friends were worried since you weren't responding to them, so I decided to come and see if you were ok," Jaemin explained, his face growing a slight blush as he talked.

Renjun blushed too and looked away. "Oh um, thank you," he said quietly. It was silent for a few seconds before Renjun sat up into a sitting position and spoke, "S-so do you want to hang out with me today th-then?" Renjun asked nervously while looking at his hands in his lap. He decided that since he would be home all day he was gonna get bored, so might as well try and have some fun with Jaemin since he's here.

Renjun felt as Jaemin grabbed his chin and made him look at him, making Renjun notice how close they were. "Sure, what do you want to do?" Jaemin asked. Renjun avoided eye contact and was looking around the room. As his heart started speeding up he thought to himself 'Maybe this wasn't a good idea after all'.

"I-I don't know. W-what do you want to do?" Renjun asked, losing composure from the way Jaemin was intensely staring at him.

Jaemin smirked. "Do you really want to know what I want to do?" Jaemin asked. Jaemin moves his hand from Renjun's chin to cup his cheek and set his other hand on Renjun's thigh. Renjun's voice was caught in his throat so he just gave a small nod, only thinking about how much he liked the way Jaemin's hands felt.

Renjun watched as Jaemin started leaning in towards him. He closed his eyes as he felt Jaemin's breath hit his lips. Renjun felt the absence of Jaemin's breath and opened his eyes.

Jaemin saw the confusion in the older's face and just chuckled to himself. "I wanna make cookies!" Jaemin said with a bright smile. Renjun gave a small pout, making Jaemin laugh. Jaemin most definitely wanted to do something else he had in mind, but teasing Renjun was too much fun.

Renjun smiled at hearing Jaemin's laugh with his bright smile. He then proceeded to push Jaemin off of the couch with his feet. Jaemin groaned after hitting the floor with a thud. "Okay let's go to the grocery store to buy stuff to make the cookies with," Renjun smiled as he stood up and walked past the boy still on the floor.

Jaemin stood up and rubbed his butt, mumbling an, "Okay."

They made their way out of the door and down the stairs. Renjun walked towards the front doors instead of the garage. "Renjun my bike is in the garage," Jaemin said pointing towards the doors that lead to the garage.

"The store isn't far away, let's walk," Renjun said as he walked out of the front doors and leaving Jaemin behind. Jaemin followed behind Renjun, jogging to catch up.

While they walked next to each other they didn't really talk but Jaemin brushed his hand against Renjun's getting no reaction. Jaemin decided that that was a good sign and casually slid his hand into Renjun's hand, intertwining their fingers. Renjun glanced over at Jaemin but still said nothing. Jaemin glanced at Renjun seeing his cheeks were tinted red and smiled brightly as he thought about how cute Renjun is.

They walk into the store and Renjun grabbed a cart. "Do we really need a whole cart for cookie supplies?" Jaemin asked, thinking a basket would probably be fine. Renjun just shrugged and started going down aisles, he doesn't go shopping often so he didn't really know or care about that.

They started walking through the aisles and gathered the ingredients. Jaemin started looking for the chocolate chips and Renjun looked for the vanilla extract.

Renjun scanned the shelves seeing it at the very top. He reached up and couldn't reach it. He looked at the bottle, got on his tippy toes, and was stretching his arm as far as he could but the damned bottle was still barely out of his reach. That's when a warm body pressed against Renjun's back and a hand reached up past his, grabbing the bottle.

Renjun turned around, coming face to face with a smirking Jaemin. "Here," Jaemin said, handing Renjun the bottle. Renjun felt his face heat up and quickly grabbed the bottle, setting it in the cart and continued to get the ingredients.

Soon they made their way to the checkout and right before Renjun could pay, Jaemin bumped him out of the way, making him stumble, and paid for all the ingredients. He huffed and Jaemin just gave him an innocent smile.

The cashier giggled and smiled at Jaemin. 'Who the hell is she laughing at' Renjun thought, feeling annoyed suddenly. Renjun grabbed the two bags they had and then grabbed Jaemin's hand, pulling him out of the store.

Jaemin looked over at Renjun who had a small pout. "Aww, Injunie did you get jealous?" Jaemin teased, leaning his face close to the side of Renjun's face.

Renjun glanced over at Jaemin, who had a little smirk on his face. "No, don't be ridiculous," Renjun said as he looked away to his right.

Jaemin just kept smiling and reached over to snatch the bags from Renjun's hand, carrying them himself. "Okay sure, whatever you say," Jaemin said as he laced their fingers again. Renjun just rolled his eyes but smiled to himself.

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