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The motorcycle ride was fun for Renjun, he never had been on one before this. Every now and then Renjun would tell Jaemin where to go. They eventually made it to Renjun's place. It was a nice, not too big, apartment. "So where are your parents?" Jaemin asked as they walked in.

"Oh, my dad is back in China and my mom is out on a business trip," Renjun explained. He walked into the kitchen and looked through a cabinet until he pulled out some popcorn and started heating it up in the microwave.

Jaemin nodded, a small grin on his face. "Oh okay. So what movie are we watching?" He walked over next to Renjun and leaned on the counter with his arms crossed.

"Hmm I don't know, you can go pick one out," Renjun said as he pointed over to the living room, where the tv was located. Jaemin got a mischievous smile on his face as he walked over and sat on the couch.

He knew exactly what kind of movie he was gonna put on, horror. He couldn't wait for a scared Renjun to come and cuddle up to his side. He found a really scary one and was sitting there being proud of himself.

Renjun walked in with a bowl of popcorn and sat on the other side of the couch. Jaemin pouted a little, "Injunie you should sit closer so we can share the popcorn," Jaemin said.

Renjun looked at Jaemin and furrowed his brows, "Who said I'm sharing my popcorn?" Renjun asked. Jaemin pouted more so Renjun rolled his eyes and moved next to Jaemin, the bowl in between them. Jaemin smiled. 'He'll get scared and cuddle me during the movie when it gets scary' he thought to himself.

The movie started and went on for a while. Jaemin knew by this point Renjun should be clutching his arm and ducking his head into his shoulder, but he's just sitting there, eating his popcorn without a problem. This was not part of Jaemin's plan. He had to mix it up a bit. He put on his best scared face and looked at Renjun, "Injunie this movie is kinda scary," he pouted his lips for extra effect.

Renjun looked over at Jaemin, eyes roaming around his face before going back to looking into Jaemin's eyes. Renjun scowled a little and sat up from his slouch and leaned over to Jaemin, Jaemin's heart sped up as the boy neared his face. Renjun opened his mouth looking deep into Jaemin's eyes with a serious expression, "What the fuck is wrong with you, you are seventeen. Stop being a wimp," Renjun concluded his pep talk with two light pats on Jaemin's cheek before settling back down into his comfy position, resuming watching the movie while mumbling, "and you're supposed to be a tough bad boy."

Jaemin sat there confused for a second. That also wasn't part of his plan. "Damn Renjun all I wanted was some cuddles, not a roast session," Jaemin said as he slouched back into the couch with a full on pout.

Renjun blushed then furrowed his eyebrows and looked back over at Jaemin to tell him to get over it, but stopped when he saw the younger with his big pouty face. 'Really this kid' he thought to himself while rolling his eyes.

As Jaemin sat there in his own pouty world and trying to pay attention to the move he felt a weight on his shoulder and something wrap around his arm. He looked over to see that Renjun had laid his head down and wrapped his arms around his arm, gently gripping the fabric of his sleeve in his fingers. His face broke out into the happiest grin ever, rivaling a kid in a toy shop. He turned his focus back to the movie while continuing to have a big grin.

Renjun glanced up at the boy and noted the large grin now plastered onto his face. This caused him to gain a small smile himself. They continued to watch the movie until they both ended up falling asleep on the couch.


Renjun woke up and found himself alone on the couch. He slowly sat up and rubbed his tired eyes. 'Did Jaemin leave?' He thought to himself. He got up, now realizing the sound of water showering the world outside.

He approached the window and pulled back one of the curtains, revealing a grey toned view, speckled with water droplets. He stood there admiring the comforting rainy weather before getting spooked by a voice in his ear, "Do you like the rain?" Jaemin asked from behind him.

Renjun's body went rigid from the shock then slowly relaxed, upon the realization it was only Jaemin. He turned around to face said boy and nodded his head, "The sound of rain falling is comforting to me. The grey skies some people find gloomy, I find calming and peaceful," he explained.

Jaemin gave a soft smile. "I like the rain too, especially when there is thunder and lightning. The skies light up with flashes of bright light and then followed with loud booms. It's exciting for me when it gets like that," Jaemin said, sharing his favorite part about when it rains.

Renjun didn't know why, but he really liked it when Jaemin shared his thoughts like this. It was like getting to know him on a more personal note than just only knowing the surface of his bad boy exterior. He let a genuine grin form on his lips, "I like when you share with me," Renjun said.

Jaemin widened his eyes in surprise, that was a first. He soon settled to a softer smile. "I'll be sure to share with you every chance I get then if I can always see your beautiful smile," he responded. The way he said it didn't sound like a cheesy pickup line though, it sounded like he actually wanted to see Renjun's full smile again, which he did.

Renjun's cheeks tinted slightly red as he rolled his eyes. They stared at each other for a few seconds before there was a ringing coming from Jaemin's pocket. Jaemin reaches in and pulled out his phone, answering the call. "Hello... (where are you)at a friend's... (oh a "friends" house)no it's unfortunately not like that... (wow, so you actually have friends?)yes, I do old man, unlike you... (just get home! It's late)ok I will," Jaemin hung up the phone and turned to Renjun, "That was Mark saying it's late and I should get home."

Renjun looked at a clock on the wall that said it was around eight o'clock, then looked back at Jaemin who started towards the door. Renjun's eyes widened, "You can't seriously be considering driving in the rain on a motorcycle. That's so dangerous, not to mention you'll get soaked and that'll lead you to be sick. You can't go out there," Renjun said with a huff, crossing his arms. 'Is this guy trying to get himself killed?' He thought to himself.

Jaemin smirked, "Huang Renjun, are you asking me to stay over?" He asked in a teasing tone, one eyebrow raised.

Renjun looked at Jaemin with a blank stare, "Okay have a safe trip," he said in a monotone voice while waving slowly.

"Aww Injunie don't be cruel now," Jaemin said with a fake pout that lasted only a second, replaced with his bright smile, "but if you'll let me stay then I will gladly take you up on that offer."

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