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It was after school and time for their detention. Renjun met up with Chenle and Donghyuck then walked into the designated classroom. Renjun was exhausted, for some reason school felt like it went on forever. He sat at one of the desks in the back and rested his head in his crossed arms on the desk.

"No sleeping in detention!" The teacher announced, causing Renjun to sit up just in time to see Jaemin and his friends walk in. Jaemin winked and smirked at Renjun as he made his way over to the desk next to Renjun's. Jisung sat next to Chenle and Mark and Jeno sat next to Donghuck, Jeno in front of Donghuck and Mark to his right. "Alrighty kids you get to sit in this room and be quiet for the next hour," the teacher said. The teacher then sat down at their desk, turning on some quiet terrible music and started grading assignments.

Renjun rested his cheek on his fist, still pretty tired. "Psst Renjun," Renjun sighed and looked over to where the annoying was coming from. He made eye contact with Jaemin and quirked a brow. Jaemin reached into his jacket then quickly pulled out, showing a finger heart towards Renjun. Renjun huffed while his cheeks started to tint pink. Jaemin smirked and wiggles his eyebrows.

"Hey no talking!" The teacher yelled from their desk towards Renjun and Jaemin, then going back to grading a stack of papers.

Renjun rolled his eyes and looked forward again, resting his cheek against his palm. A few minutes passed and Renjun glanced around the room, seeing Chenle and Jisung passing notes to each other and Donghuck, Mark, and Jeno discreetly texting on their phones. He looked over to Jaemin, who was staring straight ahead.

Renjun sighed and looked forward also, letting his eyes close. A few seconds later he heard a small dragging sound. He opened his eyes and looked over to where it came from. He saw the same scene as before so he went back to resting his eyes. He heard the sound again a few seconds later and took another look. He glanced around the room and no one else seemed to hear anything so he figured he was going crazy and decided to ignore it and go back to resting his eyes.

A few more scraping sounds later he then heard a quiet, "Injunie~."

He looked and saw that Jaemin had scooted his desk almost right next to his. "What are you doing?" Renjun asked in an whispered exasperated tone.

Jaemin smiled. "I got bored and lonely all the way over there," he whispered back.

"This is so dumb. You're gonna get in trouble," Renjun whispered in a flat tone.

Jaemin shrugged. "I couldn't resist, you're just too cute," Jaemin responded as he reached over and started trying to tickle Renjun while repeatedly whispering the work "cute".

Renjun tried to fend him off as quietly as he could while whisper yelling for him to stop it. Suddenly a hand slammed down on Jaemin's desk. The both froze and looked up at the teacher standing in front of them. "You two are staying after tomorrow for another detention," the teacher announced. "Jaemin go move to that seat over there," the teacher pointed to the seat at the front of the classroom near the teacher's desk.

Jaemin groaned and stood up walking over to the seat. On his way he saw Mark and Jeno shaking their heads, Donghuck trying not to laugh, and Chenle and Jisung pinching the bridges of their noses, giving exasperated sighs.

Renjun was ready to throw a shoe at Jaemin for dragging him into his mess. For the rest of the detention he pulled out some homework to finish.

When detention was done, after what felt like ages, Renjun got up and walked out of the classroom, Jaemin mumbling s 'sorry' as he passed by, Renjun just sighed deeply and shook his head.


The next day at school Renjun was in the halls talking to Donghuck, Chenle, and Jisung . "That asshole really had to drag me down with him," he complained.

Donghuck started laughing. "Yeah that was so dumb," he said between breathes, obviously very amused by the situation. Chenle and Jisung just stood there shaking their heads, very disappointed in both of them. "Speak of the devil," Donghuck said suddenly.

Renjun looked to where Donghuck was looking, seeing Jaemin walking down the hall with Mark and Jeno. They were chatting and didn't notice them yet. Suddenly Jaemin tripped a dorky looking kid that was passing by, making him fall and drop his books. While Jaemin and the other goons laughed and did high fives the others froze, even Jisung who had been accustomed to that behavior.

Renjun and Donghuck made a beeline for the boy that fell. The group stopped laughing when they saw the two approaching and tried to greet them but were ignored. Renjun helped the kid up and Donghuck picked up the kids books. They made sure he was alright and he left.

Once the kid was gone both Renjun and Donghuck turned to the boys. "What the hell is wrong with you!" Donghuck shouted. "You don't treat people like that!"

Renjun just stood there glaring at Jaemin. Jaemin stared back with a look of panic, probably realizing he just fucked up. Once Donghuck was done yelling at them there was a pause, the students in the hallway were now staring, jaws wide open at how someone had just told off the bad boys of the school. After a few seconds passed Jaemin looked like he was about to say something but Renjun beat him to it. "Let's go Donghuck. Class is about to start. These dumbasses don't deserve our time." Before turning to walk away he gave one last glare to the three.

They both turned around and went to their classes, avoiding/ignoring the three goons for the rest of the day. In any classes Renjun had with them he would make sure to stay on the other side of the classroom and act like they weren't there, during lunch Renjun went to the roof of the school followed by Donghuck and Chenle, Jisung was sitting with the goons and telling them that they were dumb. "I can't believe he did that! Really Hyuck I thought he was nice but I was just so caught up with him being nice to me I didn't see that he was still the same bully!"

"I know I know, but they were yelled at so hopefully they get the message. I really don't think they are bad, they just need to learn how to not act like that, that's all they've done since high school," Donghuck said as he rested his cheek on his fist. He then sat up and pointed to Chenle. "I mean look at Chenle and Jisung! Chenle is always talking about how he hates bullies and Jisung hasn't done anything since they've been together!"

Chenle nodded. "That's true, anytime we would watch a movie with bullies in it I would say how terrible it was, I think he got the message," Chenle said then bit into a carrot.

Suddenly Donghuck gasped and whipped his head towards Renjun. "Don't you have another detention with Jaemin today?" Renjun's jaw dropped. He put his head down and sighed. "Come on Renjun, I think we need to try and forgive them and give them a chance to be better," Donghuck said.

Renjun gave Donghuck a disgusted face. "You're oddly forgiving today," Renjun said. Donghuck just shrugged. Then the bell rung and they headed back to class.

What do y'all think of markhyuckno cause idk if I should keep it markhyuck or turn it into a markhyuckno hmmm. Idk let me know :)

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