Part 6

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"Randy.." Seth gasped and moaned as the older man thrust sped up. Seth's knees were touching his chest and his arms were pinned above his head as Randy kissed and sucked on his neck. The blue eyed man was panting hard as sunk deeper inside of the two-toned man. It's been almost a month since they have been dating and they were going strong. Randy was falling for Seth, fuck he was falling for him hard. "Harder, fuck harder Randy please." Seth begged, he begged and begged and Randy finally started to slam in.

"I love it when you beg, Seth." Randy eyed those big brown eyes that were almost black. Seth got his arms free then wrapped them around Randy's neck, he pulled him in and they kissed passionately. Their tongues locked and desperate moans started to fill the room along with the sound of skin slapping skin. "I'm about to cum Seth." Randy groaned when Seth clenched around him tightly.

"Cum." Seth replied with a blissful face. "Come on." Seth licked his lips and started to scratch down Randy's back. Randy growled and started to slam inside of the younger man harder, his balls tightened, he was about to blow any time now. He leaned down and started to suck on the Iowan's nipples and that was it for Seth, he came with a shout of Randy's name, his hole clenching tighter than ever as he forcefully milked Randy. The bigger man moaned out Seth's name and started to fill him up with his seed. Seth shivered at the warm product then smiled, he was satisfied.

Randy pulled out slowly and moved Seth's legs back down to make him comfortable. They kissed again, deeply. The two men were smiling as their kiss went on, their limbs tangled and soon Seth was on top of Randy. He ended the kiss and sat up so he could straddle him. "I wanna go again." Seth admitted.

Randy laughed and nodded. "Yeah okay. Give me a sec." Seth nodded and smiled when Randy leaned up to kiss him. He got off the older man and wrapped himself in the white sheets. He was in Randy's hotel room, he never knew why he stayed in a hotel, who would prefer that? Randy got out of bed and Seth smacked his ass then laughed as Randy walked off the the bathroom shaking his head. Seth turned to his side and brought the covers up to his chest. Randy's phone started to vibrate on the nightstand, he looked over to the bathroom door and saw that it was closed. The phone wouldn't stop vibrating so Seth picked it up and pressed answer on the touch phone.

"Hello?" His voice was deep and raspy still from the sex.

"Hello? Randy?"

"Oh no this isn't Randy. Who's this?"

"His wife, could you please tell him that we need to talk at home as soon as possible?"

"Oh." Seth felt his heart breaking but he also felt his anger rising. "Okay. I'll tell him." He hung up and Randy opened the door with a smile but it quickly faded when he saw Seth holding his phone with an angry look. "Your fucking wife called."

"U-uh, I've been meaning to talk to you about that Seth." Randy cursed when Seth threw the covers off of him and began to pick up his clothes. "Seth come on let's talk about it, please."

"Talk about what? When were you going to tell me? Huh? You've been fucking me and you have a wife? I can't believe I even called you my damn boyfriend. What's your fucking problem? You don't do that to people Randy. You can fucking lose my number." Seth went into the bathroom with his clothes and slammed the door hard. Randy winced and started to pace. He was going to tell Seth but he didn't know how to, he wouldn't have did this if his marriage was perfectly fine, he's not that type of person. He fucked up badly. When Seth came out the bathroom Randy grabbed him so they could look at each other. "Randy I'm going to punch you in the fucking face if you don't let go of me."

Seth's voice cracked and Randy saw his eyes tear up. He let go of the younger man and Seth pushed him aside then hurriedly left the hotel room. Randy sat on the bed and put his hands on his face. He messed everything up. As Seth walked down the hotel hallway quickly he called Roman. Roman answered on the third ring, his deep voice booming through the line.

"Can I stay with you?" Seth got straight to the point, his voice kept cracking and roman went silent, he knew something was definitely wrong so he obviously said yes. "I'll be over there soon." Before Roman could ask any questions Seth hung up the phone and shook his head. He was ruined.

Dean was on the couch drinking a beer and eating a sandwich that Roman made for him while watching TV. The doorbell rung and he got up to go answer it but Roman passed him so he sat back down on the couch. He heard talking then all of the sudden Seth walked through the living room with the most saddest face. He had bags in his hands, they were filled with clothes.

"I just really need your comfort right now." Seth said as Roman grabbed the bags from him. "I know at home they wouldn't be able to comfort me like you can Ro." Dean kept moving his head over because he couldn't see the TV, Seth was literally in front of it. The two-toned man looked at Dean with a cocked eyebrow. "Is there a problem."

"Apparently. I can't see the TV dude. Move." Dean swatted and Seth glared and rolled his eyes. Roman pulled him to the room and shut it behind them. Dean sighed, this was going to be a real hell hole now. He was already lost in the world and on top of that horribly confused with the way Roman has been treating and doing things around him. Now Seth was here, the guy who hated him for God knows what reason. "Fucking shit." Dean mumbled then finished off his beer. "Goddamn." He mumbled again.

Dean heard a lot of talking before Roman opened the door and smiled at him. "I'm going to cook dinner."

"Ro I thought you were just cooking it for me." Seth replied from inside the room.

"Well Dean lives here too. I always cook dinner." Roman went to the kitchen and Dean looked over to see Seth walking out of Roman's room and only a pair of basketball shorts. "Dean come in here for a sec?" Roman called out. Dean sighed and walked to the kitchen when he got there he saw Seth hugged up all over Roman. Roman had one hand wrapped around the brown eyed man as he took out pans and pots.

"What is it?" Dean ignored the look Seth gave him and went to the fridge to get another beer.

"Do you always drink?" Seth commented.

"Do you never shut the fuck up?" Dean replied and opened his beer. Seth growled and went forward but Roman held him tighter. Dean put his hand on his chest and acted like he was hurt. "Oh kid, you got a lot to learn before you try to fight me."

"I don't even know why you're still here. I bet you don't even pay to live here."

"See that's where you're wrong. I have a job, I pay to live here but I bet you won't. "Dean laughed. "Every time you think you know something you're wrong. Why do you hate me Seth? Tell me? Bet you can't give me a real reason."

"Dean." Roman said softly. "What do you want for dinner?"

"Make me my favorite?" Dean batted his eyelashes and Roman chuckled.

"Lasagna it is. And spaghetti for you Seth."

"Yeah Ro. You always know what I like." Seth snickered when Dean shook his head. If Seth wanted to play that type of game and need Roman's attention 24/7 then he would back off. He doesn't need that shit. Obviously Roman would care about Seth needs more, or Seth in period. Dean didn't need attention he just got it from Roman for some reason. He didn't even have to do anything. He could be looking at nothing and Roman would ask what he was doing.

"Well I'll let you two get to it. Or get busy. Whatever Seth wants, no I mean need first from you. Probably wants you to fuck him to make him feel better." Dean left the kitchen with a smile when he heard a loud growl.

"Watch it Ambrose."

"Yeah okay pretty boy."

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