Part 9

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Roman came through the door and took off his jacket to hang it up. He heard the TV on so automatically he thought it would be Dean. He smiled and made his way into the living room only to find Seth sitting up by himself watching TV. "Hey Seth. What are you doing up?"

"I wanted to talk to you."

"Can it wait a second? I'm hungry." Roman went into the kitchen and saw a plate with foil on it that had a little card on top with his name on it. "You made dinner?" Roman called out and Seth came into the kitchen with a disgusted look. Roman saw and chuckled a bit. "Dean made dinner? I can smell it through the foil. Smells good." Roman took the foil off and saw fried chicken, macaroni, and mashed potatoes with a bit of gravy on it. "Did you not eat his cooking? It looks good."

"No I hate him."

"That wasn't hard to tell." Roman replied back then grabbed the plate so he could put it in the microwave. Seth crossed his arms against his chest and Roman shrugged before putting 3 minutes in to heat his food up. "Seth I mean really, everyone can see that you hate him. So what's the talk about anyway?"


"Why? What did he do?" The microwave beeped and Roman took his plate of food out then got a utensil out the dish rack. "What did you guys do? Argue? Did you kill him?" Seth rubbed the back of his neck, he thought back to earlier in the day. Seth was the one who started messing with Dean in the first place, tried to stop him from cooking dinner but that obviously didn't work out. "Hello?" Roman waved his hand in front of Seth's face then sat down at the kitchen table. "Come on Seth, it's late. It's been a long day and we gotta get to the point."

"Okay well uh..He was going to cook dinner and I thought he was cooking it just for you so I tried to stop him and we ended up fighting in the kitchen but I guess he cleaned it up really good 'cause there is no evidence. I just want him to back off you."

Roman swallowed some of his food and hummed deeply. He sat back in his chair and cocked an eyebrow at Seth. "He's not messing around with me, Seth. I don't know what your problem is but you gotta stop man." Roman shook his head and frowned as he thought back to when he was a teenager, he twisted his lips then shook his head. "You need to let people come into my life. I don't know why you keep pushing Dean away."

Seth hissed. "Because I see the way you fucking look at him!" He replied in a rather loud hushed voice.

"Okay? So. I look at him. Everyone looks at him."

"Don't play that game with me Roman. I mean the way you look at him."

"Okay Seth. Maybe I like Dean. Maybe I feel a spark, so what." What the two didn't know is that Dean's bedroom door was open. He was listening to everything. He couldn't believe Seth, Seth was a little fucking brat. He needed to get his one day, learn to just shut the fuck up. Seth shook his head slowly at Roman and Roman laughed a bit. "Seth stop being so jealous. We're not together."

"We used to be."

"Right used to be. You ever wonder why we didn't work Seth?"

"It's because I broke up with you."

"No you didn't. You told me we were never dating anyway and that it was okay to see other people. That hurt me. You knew how hurt I was before and you said you would help me forget everything he did to me."

Dean tilted his head in confusion. Who was this he guy?" Dean got off of his bed and came a bit closer so he could hear clearly.

"I didn't know how to help you Rome, you gotta understand. He traumatized you badly, you told me those stories and I didn't know what to do but stare."

"Why did you say you could help me forget then? Seth you didn't help me forget anything, you left me and so did he. I got fucking scars on my body 'cause of him. He fucked me over, he never wanted me!" Roman yelled the last part and Seth flinched. "All I ever wanted you to do is fucking- just fucking- I don't fucking know anymore. You're not the same person. You offered to help me, that's why the goddamn thing was an experiment to you. You told me to just say experiment instead of dating. You confused me, I don't know what the hell I was doing back then."

"Rome, I was trying to find myself at the time."

"When you were doing that and using me did you ever consider how I felt? I don't think you did. I had to go through so many therapy sessions. I was so angry, I was so damn angry, Seth. Then I found a girl after you and she was sweet, funny, nice, then she cheated on me. I was back in my hole once again. I got more angry and I realized soon after my anger needed to stop. You cannot get jealous over someone, we're not together. We never were in my book now. You cannot get mad at any relationship I have because as I recall every time you get a little toy to play with you tell me how lucky you are and how great it is while I'm sitting in the dark. I have to pretend to care, you brag on and on how great something is that you have while I'm so broken inside and no one can help me." Roman's voice cracked as he stood up from the table. He pushed his plate away then made his way down the hall. Dean heard footsteps so hurried to close his door. He cursed when he heard a knock on it.

Dean put on his best sleepy face and slowly opened the door. "Hey Roman." He yawned and stretched his arms. "What's up?"

Roman smiled and looked at all the wild curls surrounding Dean's head. "Sorry man, just wanted to thank you for cooking dinner. I was hungry and that good was good."

"Yeah, no, no problem. I was hungry man, couldn't have you come home to no food. You cook all the time and..Yeah. I'm rambling. But you're welcome.." It went silent and Dean couldn't help but to smile at and nervously laugh. "Dude you're staring."

Roman shook his head and laughed. "I'm sorry. Night man." Roman went to his room and closed the door gently. Dean really wanted to know who Roman was talking about? Who gave Roman scars on his body. He didn't know but he felt like he needed to know. What he did know is that Seth royally fucked up.

Back in the kitchen Seth was just sitting there thinking to himself. He was being a little jealous, actually a lot. Over something that was really never his. He fucked up all of these years and couldn't even see it. He looked around sadly, he needed to get away for a while. Just as he got up Dean came into the kitchen with a straight face.

"Can you tell Roman I'm leaving? I'll be back for my things tomorrow."

"Where you going?" Dean replied with raised brows. "Not to be a nosy motherfucker here. But I heard you guys, and who was the guy he was talking about?"

"That's not my story to tell.." Seth looked away and started to walk away. Dean just sighed then leaned against the door frame of the kitchen. Usually he didn't want to know shit about people, seem to be very personal but he got this strange feeling like he needed to protect Roman, to hold him and tell him it would be okay. Fuck, that's what friends did, right? Right?

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