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Forth POV

 My alarm went off at six-thirty, making me groan loudly and assault the off button with my index finger. 

I sighed, laying back down. My head didn't hurt as badly as I thought it would, but I would probably have to take some pain medicine just to be sure. I guess getting used to the effects of a hangover is what happens when you're practically an alcoholic.

I pushed myself out of bed and into the bathroom to take a shower. I got dressed quickly afterward, afraid I wouldn't have time for breakfast before class. Luckily, though, I did. I visited my usual spot, the food court near me faculty building, and ate breakfast before making my way to class.

After class, I ran the SOTUS meeting. During which one of the freshman girl fainted on the field. Others looked close but none of them actually had until her. She was popular among the other freshman, so it was easy to remember her. 

I, and a few others, rushed over to her side as the medical team followed close behind. 

That's when I saw him.


The guy from the night before. The one who had caught my eye almost as soon as I had laid eyes on him.

His dark hair was such a great contrast to his light skin. His eyes complemented his hair and sparkled when the sunlight hit them. He was short but looked liked he worked out. Maybe not as much as me, but he surely did.

"Let's get her to the med tent." He said, pointing to the tent at the edge of the field and instructing one of the juniors. 

I followed them as the medical team carried her to the tent. I turned to look at Beam who only looked away quickly.

"Her blood pressure is low and she is extremely dehydrated." One of the other med students said, taking her blood pressure.

"Fuck." I turned around and rubbed my hands down my face. "I can't believe I let him talk me into having the meeting outside on a day like this." I whispered to myself.

"She'll be okay." I heard a soft voice comforting me before I turned and spotted Beam walking up behind me. He didn't stop until he was standing square in front of me. His height was much more noticeable when he was closer. "It's not something you did. Her blood pressure is low because she is dehydrated. It's probably because she hasn't been eating or drinking anything. It's not your fault." He reassured me. 

It looked like he lifted a hand to place it on my shoulder, but immediately placed it back at his side.

I sighed and sat down next to the bed where the girl was laying down. 

She was waking up slowly and when she saw me her eyes immediately began to water.

"Forth." She spoke softly and her voice was audibly hoarse.

"Don't strain yourself to talk. You need to rest and get food and water in your system." I said, handing her a bottle of water and a small pastry, figuring something sweet was better than dry crackers. 

She shook her head and tried to turn away but I pushed them into her hand. "Eat them. I know you haven't been eating or drinking, and that is why you fainted." 

She sighed and looked down at what I was holding in my hands.

"I'm sorry. Please don't be mad at me." She said in a whisper.

"I'm not mad at you, Cake." I told her, calling her name for the first time. "Just take these. I don't want you to get hurt worse next time. Being an engineer takes a lot of energy, which means it's going to take more for you to make sure you're healthy." I explained. 

She nodded and took the water bottle, opening it and taking a big sip.

I smiled at her before standing up and turning around. 

Beam was standing there, staring at us. He quickly turned around, though, and tried to act like he was doing something else when he spotted me looking back.

"I would rest for a little bit and then go back. You have to drink the whole bottle and eat the entire snack" He said keeping his back to us. 

I smiled and stood up, walking up behind him.

"Thank you." I said causing him to turn around and smile, his cheeks a little red.

"Don't thank me for doing my job." Without another word, or second though, he turned and walked back out of the tent and on to the field.

After SOTUS, I met up with Ming, Park, and Lam in the canteen. They were all sitting at our regular table. 

Knowing Ming was closed friends with him. I thought of this as the perfect opportunity to ask about Beam.

"Ming," I prompted and I sat. "You've been friends with Beam for a while, right?"

Ming looked at me and scoffed. "Don't even try." He said shaking his head. 

I laughed and looked at him confused. "What?"

"I know what this is. You think he is cute, and you want to get to know him." 

I chuckled and shook my head. 

"I've known you for two years, Forth. I think I know you pretty well. Beam is O-F-F, off limits." Ming said using his hands to make an ex.

"Why?" I questioned.

"Pha and Kit have been trying since high school to set Beam up with someone. I don't know why, but he continues to deny any advances. Woman and men alike. Beam is a reserved and nice guy. I don't know much about his backstory, and if you want to know, I would ask someone who maybe does. Like Kit or Pha." Ming took a bite of the cookie in his hand after explaining his reasoning. 

I sighed and nodded my head before pulling out my phone.

"Can I have Beam's number?" I questioned. 

Ming sighed and shook his head before pulling out his phone.

"You can, but I'm telling you." Ming pointed his index finger at me sternly and handed me his phone with Beam's contact pulled up.

"I know what you're telling me." I said putting his number into my phone with a smile.

I handed his phone back before standing up and going to the parking lot. When I arrived at my car, before getting in, I texted Beam.

Forth: I wanted to thank you again for what you did for Cake today, so I asked Ming for your number.

Beam: Forth? I told you not to thank me for doing my job.

I laughed and shook my head. He remembered my name and, for some reason, that made me smile.

Forth: You remembered my name. And just let me thank you.

Beam: It's hard to forget. And fine. You're welcome.

Forth: What do you mean by "It's hard to forget."? It's hard to forget me?

Beam: Shut up.

Forth: What are you doing after school? Let's get to know each other.

Beam: Shut up.

Forth: Come on. There's a really nice coffee shop near the college. If you aren't being hard headed at 5, meet me there.

Beam: Shut up.

I smiled, reading over our short conversation quickly. He really was kind of...adorable.



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