Chapter 11

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It was now the first day back at school after break. I smiled to myself just thinking about it. I kissed Forth and I really liked it. It had been a while since I kissed someone, but he wasn't complaining. And he didn't try to take it further. He was respecting me. He would only take it further when I wanted to. His mom was right.

The only bad thing about the break was Forth not telling me about the scholarship. He may have thought I was asleep but I wasn't I was wide awake. I heard everything and he didn't tell me. Did he forget to tell me? Did he not want to? Was he gonna leave? I thought back to last night and what Forth's reply was.

"Sir, can I have a little bit of time to think about it?"

If he accepts or not, either way, will be bad. If he goes I don't know what I'll do with myself/ Forth is the first person in a very long time that I have liked. The first person I have actually let touch me not freak out about it. I realized now that I needed him. But on the other hand, if he stayed it would probably be because of me. Because he wants to be with me. I can't let him give up his dream he has for the future because of me. I am the worst person to do that fro. I am damaged.

"Hey." I was pulled out of my thoughts by Kit who was sitting down next to me and Pha across from me. "How was your break?" He asked. I sighed and smiled again. The thoughts of before vanished.

"Looks like someone had a good weekend." Pha said smiling wide. I laughed and nodded.

"I did. It was really amazing. Forth was amazing." I said smiling wide. Kit and Pha looked at each other and then back at me.

"You spent break with Forth?" Pha asked. I smiled and nodded.

"Not just Forth. With his family too. We went to his parent's house." I said. Kit gasped. He and Pha smiled wide at one another.

"You spent the break at Forth's parent's house? Are you guys like a thing?" Kit asked. I laughed and shook my head.

"We aren't dating. We're taking it slow." I admitted. They both laughed loudly and clapped.

"Did you guys do anything?" Pha asked in a lower voice. I laughed again.

"We kissed and he touched me." I said smiling at the thought. Kit gasped again.

"You guys kissed and he touched you?" He questioned. I shook my head and raised my hand, waving it.

"Not like that. He touched me. We hugged. Held hands. I let him touch me and I didn't freak out. He is the first person since, you know, that that has happened." I said giddily. They both smiled and nodded.

"You're doing it man. You let someone touch you." Kit said a little too loudly as Ming and Forth approached.

"Who touched Beam?" Ming asked sitting down next to his boyfriend. Kit wrapped his arms around his boyfriend and kissed his cheek. Beam groaned and shook his head.

"It's nothing." He said as Forth came to sit next to him at the table.

"Did you guys study over break?" Ming asked. Pha snorted and eyes Ming.

"I think we should be asking you guys that question. You were practically conjoined at the hip the whole time. How many times did you guys have sex?" I knew Pha asked it as a rhetorical question but clearly, Ming didn't

"Twenty-three." Ming answered. Kit gasped and slapped his arm before burying his red-tinted face in Ming's chest. Ming chuckled as he looked at all of our faces.

Twenty-three? Man, they really got at it. How was Kit still walking. How was he alive for that matter?

As the other got developed in their own conversations I felt Forth's hand rest on my thigh under the table. It didn't move. In fact it just laid there open, waiting for something. My hand. I placed my hand in his with a smile. The thoughts from before came rushing back as he smiled wide at me. I couldn't help myself from wondering if he was going to take it or not.

With his hand in mine right now that wasn't what I wanted to think about. I distracted myself as best as I could by joining in on the conversation that the others in.

After Ming and Forth left Pha, Kit, and I were alone once again.

"You like him a lot." Pha stated. I knew it wasn't a question because the look on his told me that it was pretty obvious that I did. I nodded anyway.

"I do like him a lot. He is nice and a gentleman. I haven't known anyone like him before. It was weird. Something about him just makes me want to throw my heart at him." I joked. Pha and Kit nodded, understanding what I was going through.

"He likes you back. It's obvious. The way he looks at you when you aren't looking at him gives him away." Kit said. I smiled and looked down blushing.

I pushed the thoughts of the scholarship out of my mind. They could wait for another day.


I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter. I did.
Until next time 😉
Ha Det.

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