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Beam POV

When we reached Forth's parent's house, he got out quickly. He grabbed our bags from the back, refusing help when I offered. I told him I was perfectly capable of getting my own things, but he insisted. I sighed, not being fond of arguing, and just followed behind him. 

Before we could even knock, though, his mother opened the door, a wide smile appearing as she laid eyes on her son.

Forth had told me that she was in her forty's, but she look as if she was only in her early thirty's. Her eyes were still glowing with youth, just like her tight, wrinkle free skin. She was beautiful. And Forth looked just like her.

Forth set out things down inside the entryway to wrap his arms around his mother's waist.

She wrapped her arms around his neck in return and held him tight, like she hadn't seen him in years. When she pulled back, she kissed his cheek softly before rubbing her light pink lipstick off his cheek. 

"Oh, I missed you." She let out a small sigh and gestured for us to come in. "How was the drive? I hope it didn't make you too tired."

Forth nodded. "The drive was good. Not anything I'm not used to."

I could feel his mother's eyes on me, and I'm sure Forth could tell that it was making me uncomfortable. He caught his mother's attention by clearing his throat.

"Mom, this is Beam."

Her smile was soft, fond. It sent a warm through me, making me yearn for the mother I never knew.

"It's so nice to meet you, Beam My name is Fah." 

I smiled softly back and bowed to her. "Thank you for allowing me to be here."

She smiled and waved her hand at me like it was nothing. "It's always a pleasure. Besides, Forth has never brought anyone home."

"Mom." Forth whined is a whisper.

"What?" She asked looking to him. "I didn't only mean like that. You haven't ever brought your friends over either.

 I smiled at their interaction. It was simple. A small conversation that essentially meant nothing. And yet I couldn't stop myself from wishing I was in Forth's position.

"Where's dad?" Forth asked looking around.

"Oh, he went with Chula and Cha to get some stuff for cookies tomorrow. Oh, and Fame won't be here until tomorrow." Fah explained. 

Forth nodded and turned back to me. "I'm gonna take out things upstairs.  Are you tired?"

I shook my head. "Not too tired. I don't want to fall asleep before I meet everyone else." I said.

Fah waved her hand and shook her head. "It's alright, dear. You go ahead and go upstairs to rest. You can meet everyone else later." She said smiling at me. 

I smiled back and nodded. "Thank you."

Forth smiled to me before picking up his bags. 

I grabbed mine before he had the chance to. "I can carry it."  

He smirked at me and nodded. "Follow me then."

I thanked his mother one last time and followed Forth up the stairs.

"You'll be in this room." He opened the door and let me enter first. "My room is right across the hall." He gestured to his. "So, if you need anything in the middle of the night you can just knock on my door." 

I nodded. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Get some rest."


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