Chapter 13

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    I lay in bed looking over at Forth who is sleeping soundly. I sighed deeply looking at how peaceful he looked as he slept. I wanted to see that every day. I wanted to be with him every day. Is that to clingy? I couldn’t help it.

    He just made me really happy. The happiest that I had been in a really long time. He touched me and I didn’t feel scared. I felt safe. We had sex and he was gentle with me. No matter how many times I told him it was okay, he always made sure that I was okay.

    We had sex? Was it to fast. Was it too much? I just wanted to show him that I wanted to give him my all. Was that wrong?

    I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and dialed Kit’s number. I figured he would be with Ming and that’s who I needed to talk too.

    “Beam, why are you calling me so late?” He asked when he answered. He sounded out of breath. Did I interrupt them doing it? Gross.

    “Are you with Ming?”

    “Yeah. Just a sec.” He said. I heard some movements and a faint voice before Ming’s voice hit my ears.

    “What’s up Beam?”

    “I need to ask you a question, but I think we should meet in person.” I said. I heard Kit sigh loudly. Was I on speaker phone? “Finish having sex and meet me at the park. Kit knows where it is.” I said before hanging up, not even listening for a reply.

    I got up and grabbed one of Forth’s shirts and put my pants back on. I slipped on my shoes as quiet as possible and left. I didn’t want him to wake up while I was gone.

    With the question to ask Ming in my mind, I drove to the park.

    I was waiting for close to an hour before they arrived. Ming was smiling wide while Kit looked a little worn out. Either Ming was rough or they did more than one round. Knowing Kit probably both.

    “Why meet in person?” Ming asked sitting across the table from me. Kit took his seat next to Ming and laid his head on his shoulder.

    “Can I ask you something and you be completely honest with me?” I questioned. I didn’t want to be lied to about this. Ming nodded. “Did you know about the scholarship Forth got accepted to?” When I asked they both froze.

    “I did.” Ming admitted. “I did, but Forth told us not to tell you.”

    “Us?” I questioned. Kit looked down, guilty.

    “I knew as well but only because Ming told me.” Kit admitted. I nodded. I’m happy they didn’t lie.

    “Why did he not want you to tell me? Was he planning on tell me himself?” I ask. Ming shakes his head.

    “He didn’t want you to know anything. He applied three months ago. He figured that he hadn’t got accepted and that is why they didn’t contact him. Then you guys meet and he really likes you. He told me that he got accepted, but he didn’t want to accept it because that would mean leaving you, and he said he couldn’t do that.” Ming explained. I nodded, not saying anything, once he was done.

    “He didn’t want you to be upset and do something.” Kit said. I looked at him and nodded, pushing my lips together.

    Do something? Do what? Hurt myself? Did he really think I would do something like that?

    “Thanks for not lying to me. I’ll let you guys go back home.” I said standing up. I didn’t look back as I walked to the car. When I was in and situated the tears just fell. I couldn’t stop them. I didn’t even try.

    I drove back to Forth’s dorm. I didn’t want to go upstairs so I sat in the car for a few moments before unconsciously dialing Forth’s mom’s number. She picked up on the second ring.

    “Beam? What’s wrong? Why are you up so late?” She asked. I sniffed and cleared my throat.

    “Why are you up so late?” I said repeating her question back to her. She laughed.

    “I’m working. What’s wrong?” She asked again. I sighed.

“I’m upset. I don’t know why I called. It’s late and I should go.” I said.

“NO!” She yelled as I pulled the phone away. “Talk to me.” She said. I lifted the phone

back up to my ear. “What made you hurt?”

    “Life.” I answered as honestly as I could. “Life fucked me. I spent my whole life practically alone. I took beatings from my dad and brother. I was rapped and I survived. I never hurt myself physically. I built this steel wall around me. But for some fucking reason I let Forth break that down in a matter of seconds and now I’m hurt.” I explained as the tears kept flowing. I heard her sign on the other end.

    “Has Forth done something?” She asked. I laughed and shook my head.

    “No. It’s me. Forth got accepted to a study program abroad and I think he may turn it down to stay with me.” I admitted. “I can’t let him do that. Not if he has big dreams.” I said shaking my head to no one. “He wasn’t going to even tell me.”

    “Beam, you have to understand Forth on this. He feels so much for you. I’ve never known his to feel like this for another. I know you love him too. Just talk to him. I’m sure he will explain everything.” She said. I sighed deeply.

    “I’ll try.” I said. We talked for a little while longer before saying our goodbyes.

    I sat in the car for a few more minutes before going back upstairs. Forth was still asleep. I climbed back into bed and snuggled up close next to me. Unconsciously he snaked his arm around my waist.

    It was gonna hurt but I needed to do what had to be done.


Don't hate me. It had to be done for the good of the story.

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