Chapter 9

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Welcome back lovely's
Get ready to cry. That's all I have to say.


    After getting home from the restaurant Forth got a call and said that he had to go out again. His sisters were gone too and so it was just me, his parents, and grandparents. I was currently sitting in the kitchen watching his mom cook because she wouldn’t let me help.  

    “Are you sure you don’t need me. I can just like cut vegetable or something.” I offered. She laughed and shook her head.

    “You’re a guest in this house. And besides, I’ve been doing this for years.” She said smiling fondly at me. I smiled back and nodded.

    I looked back down at my phone. I had messaged Forth over half an hour ago and he didn’t reply. It’s not that I expect him to reply back right away, but he usually does. Okay, so maybe that is was I expect.

    “You like him.” I looked up at Fah, his mom, who was leaning against the counter and smiling at me fondly. So that’s where Forth got his smile.

    “What?” I asked. Did I really make it that obvious?

“You like my son.”  She repeated. I looked down at my hands with an obvious blush on my cheeks. “I think it’s wonderful. He likes you back.” She said laughing and coming to sit down in front of me.

“I do.” I admitted. “I like him a lot.” I said looking up shyly and smiling at her. “Do I make it obvious?” I questioned. She laughed and waved her hand.

“I knew from the moment you walked in. The way you looked at him. It was beautiful. And I knew the moment he started talking about you on the phone that he was already practically in love with you.” She said jokingly, but it made me blush even more.

“He’s an amazing person. You really raised a great son.” I said. She nodded and smiled.

“Beam,” She said causing me to look her in the eye. “Forth is indeed an amazing man. He is kind and gentle and loves with all of his heart. When he called to ask if he could bring you home it was like a miracle. He has never once brought anyone home. He told me a little bit about your family situation. About you not having Christmas with your family, and it broke my heart. But seeing you here, happy, smiling, it’s crazy to think that you’ve been through so much heartache. You hide it well.” She said leaning back and pointing at me before smiling sadly. “I could spot it a mile away.

“I could tell that you had been hurt by something that wrecked your whole being. I have been through the same thing before.” She said sadly. I tried to look at her clearly but tears blurred my vision. Something about the way she was talking and the tone of her voice really got me.

“What was it, if you don’t mind me asking?” I asked. She sighed and waved her hand.

“I don’t mind dear.” She said leaning forward. “Before I married the kid’s father I was engaged to another man. I had been with this man for years. We were so in love. He was the light of my life. I had found out, about a month before the wedding, that I was pregnant. He was so overjoyed. He couldn’t stop talking about it. On the day of the wedding, I had started feeling sick.” Her voice began to crack and tear began to form in her eyes. “I had figured that it was just morning sickness, but then I started to feel like I was having contractions. I had this horrible back pain and was crying my eyes out. My fiance wasn’t there, no one was. I had told them that I needed a moment to myself for a little bit. I was sitting on the bathroom floor when I felt something wet between my legs. When I looked down, my white dress was stained with blood. That is the last thing I remember before I woke up in the hospital. I had lost so much blood and the baby.” She explained. I felt tears gush out of my eyes and run down my cheeks.

What she had experienced was nowhere near what I had been through, but was equally as horrible, if not worse.

“I was told that my fiance had left. After hearing about the baby he just packed up and left. I remember being so heartbroken that I couldn’t do anything for weeks. It was the worst feeling in the world. I remember being so afraid to find love again. At least I was until I met my husband. He was crazy about me. He was crazy in general.” She said laughing. I laughed with her as I wiped my tears. “Somehow I fell so in love with him. I remember thinking that I was never going to fall in love with someone again. And when I was pregnant with the twins I felt like I was on cloud nine.” She said before leaning forward and looking me in the eye. “I can’t imagine what you went through to make you so hurt, but I can promise you that Forth will never hurt you. And I know he won’t because I am his mother and if he does I will hurt him.” She said causing me to laugh.

“I was abused.” I admitted. She looked at me and dropped her smile. “That’s why I don’t like when people touch me. When I was younger all the way until I was out of high school my brother and dad abused me. My mom died when she was giving birth to me and my older brother and father blamed me for her death. I went to school with fresh and old bruises every day. I don’t know I survived some of those days.” I said. The way she looked at me made me want to cry more. She held so much sadness for me. “Can I hug you?” I asked out of the blue. She looked taken aback and surprised but nodded. We both stood up.

I wrapped my arms around her waist as she wrapped her arms around my shoulders. It felt weird but at the same time super nice. Forth is the only person I had ever really let touch me, but this hug felt amazing. It felt like a mothers hug.

“What’s going on?” We both let go to look up at Forth who was staring at us confused. When he saw me wipe tears away he immedietly rushed to me and began wiping them away for me.

“Told you so.” Fah said smiling wide at us.

Maybe she was right. Maybe Forth wouldn’t hurt me. Maybe I needed him to love me.

I cried so much. Like 😢😢. Hope you didn't use all your tissues cause you might need them later.
Until next time.
Ha Det

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