Chapter 17

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Sorry this chapter is so short. I really didn't mean for it to be but I'm super busy with lots of other things.


    Who does he think he is? Just showing up like that. It’s not right. It’s not fair. It’s not fair. I don’t just show up and his freaking door confessing my love for him. It’s not fair. I wanted so badly to pull him back in here and never let him go. I wish I could have, but he needed to go.

    “Beam?” I was pulled back into reality by Kit’s voice. I had been on the phone with him for a few minutes. He said that he had something to tell me.

    “What is it?” I asked. He sighed deeply on the other end.

    “Ming got a call from Forth.” My breath hitched just hearing his name.

    “What about it?” I asked trying to sound as normal as possible.

    “He took the scholarship.” Kit said. I nodded to no one.

    “I know. He came over. He talked. I cried. We kissed. He left.” I gave him the short story of what happened earlier. I really didn’t want to think about it. I knew that if I did then I wouldn’t be able to stop my self from crying again.

    “He told us that as well.” Kit admitted. “He wanted to tell us that he is leaving tomorrow.” That early? “If you want to come to see him off then you can. He’s leaving at ten in the morning.” Kit informed me.

    Why was he leaving this early? I sighed. I couldn’t. If I did I would force him to stay.

    “I can’t.” I said. “But can you come by before you go to the airport. I want you to give him something from me.” I said. If he is leaving tomorrow then I thought I should tell him the truth. He deserved to know.

    “Sure. What is it?” Kit asked.

    “A letter.” I hadn’t written it yet.

    “Okay. I’ll be by tomorrow.”

    “Okay, see you tomorrow.” I said before we both hung up.

    I wanted to write him a letter, but I wanted him to wait until he was on the plane. That way he wouldn’t be able to back out and get off. I wanted to tell him the truth. There’s no point in keeping it up when he was gone.

    I sat down at my desk and began to write.

    After spending an hour on the letter I pulled out my computer and pulled up Google. Forth made me brave. He made me feel loved. He made me feel as though I didn’t have all of his baggage. I know I do though. I know that it isn’t going to go away soon, but I can try. I started my search for a therapist.


Again, sorry this was so short. I know it may seem stupid. Like why couldn't he do that with Forth. I know. I don't know why I made it like this.

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