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Forth POV

After Beam was introduced to everyone, and had the chance to get better acquainted with the house, the family, including Beam, gathered in the living room for game night.

Game night was a usual thing for us. We would set one day aside to relax and destress. Our parents wanted us to grow up happy and healthy, so stressing about things all of the time was something they wanted to avoid.

Anytime we played, though, it always brought back memories. Some good and others not so great. It wasn't just a family affair now, though. Beam was here.

"Okay, everyone needs to pick a partner." Mom instructed, pulling out a game of charades. 

Fame stood up immediately, grabbing the cards from mom. "I call being the referee." 

I shook my head, holding back a small chuckle. 

Fame preferred being referee. I think he just liked watching all of us burn the world down and fight without having to be a part of it.

Chula groaned loudly in the back. "Oh, come on. I hate always having to be on a team with Cha. She's terrible at the games." She whined loudly. 

She stood up quickly from her seat. "I'm changing partners. I choose Beam as my partner." She moved from her spot on the couch to the empty spot next to Beam.

Beam looked up at me, but I wasn't sure if the look in his eyes was him apologizing for me not being able to be his partner, or if he was desperate to get out of this situation.

"Okay, sweetheart." Mom laughed. "Then I choose Forth." She pulled me to sit next to her.

My dad gasped dramatically, holding a hand over his heart. "Honey?"

"Sorry, you just kind of suck. But I still love you." She added the last part before kissing him on the cheek. 

I sighed and rolled his eyes.

Dad let out a deep sigh. "Okay. Okay. I guess I choose Cha." He said going to sit next to her. 

Fame clapped his hands. "Well, now that we've all picked our partners, let's get started with the first game. Beam, I'm sure you have played charades before." 

Beam nodded to confirm.

"Okay. So, in our house, the team with the youngest player goes first. I'm pretty sure that means Beam and Chula are going first." 

Fame shuffled a stack of cards quickly before setting them down on the table.

"I'll guess." Beam said.

Chula nodded and stood in front of everyone.

"Just try to guess as many as you can in sixty seconds." Fame looked down at his watch, making sure to time it correctly. "Go!"

To everyone around them, the sixty seconds went by quickly.

"Hammer!" Beam would yell. 

Chula would nod and throw the paper behind her, moving onto the next.





This went on for the full sixty seconds.

"Stop." Fame instructed.  

He picked up the pieces of paper on the ground behind Chula and counted them quickly.

Never A Happily Ever After || ForthBeam FFWhere stories live. Discover now