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Forth POV

I sat on my bed and dialed my mom's number. 

It only rang once before she picked up, telling me she was probably waiting for my call.\

"Hey, sweetheart. What's up?" She questioned.

"Hey, I know it's really last minute, but I kind of invited someone to come home with me for Christmas"

She chuckles before replying. "What's his name?" She questioned.

"His name is Beam."

 "Are you guys dating?"

I laughed and shook my head, even though she couldn't see. "It's not like that, mom. We've actually only just met, but he was going to spend holidays alone." I explained. 

I knew my mother was smiling on her side. "But he's cure right?"

"Yes, mom."

"Bring him. It's always more fun with more people."

 "Thanks, mom."

"You're welcome, baby boy. I'll see you guys in a few days then."


When the day came, I had to wake up early to finish packing. I had be procrastinating, but I had to pick Beam up in less than an hour.

I made a quick breakfast and washed the dishes before taking a shower and actually getting ready for the day.

Forth: Where do you want me to pick you up?

Beam: My place.

Forth: What? Can't risk your friends seeing us together?

Beam: Shut up.

I packed my things in the car and headed Beam's way after receiving a text with his address.

When I arrived, he was sitting outside on a bench, his two bags next to him. He spotted me and immediately stood.

I got out to help him, but he insisted that he got had it.

"Have you eaten?" I questioned.

"I had something small, so I'll be fine until we get there."

I didn't question any farther and pulled onto the main road.

The car was silent. Neither one of us said a word and just let the radio play softly.

It felt weird, though, so I spoke up.

"What's your favorite color?" I asked.

Beam let out a small laugh, but it sounded more like it could have been a scoff.


"Favorite animal?"


"Favorite book?"

 "What are you doing? Writing a biography?" He questioned, turning in his seat a bit to look at me.

"I told you I wanted to get to know you." I reply, smiling in his direction before turning back to the road.

"Enough about me. What's your favorite color?" He asks, turning the conversation away from him.


"Favorite animal?"


"Interesting. Favorite book?"

"The Wind In The Willows."

"You sure are interesting, Forth."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

Beam laughed, shaking his head. "Don't I've been told I have terrible taste."

I glance at him and smiled. It was kind of nice to see him not be as cold as the other times we had interacted.

The rest of the ride was filled with chatter and laughter. It was easy to make Beam laugh. We didn't have the best sense of humor. We listened to music and talked a little about college. We asked one another the occasional question and got to know one another better. It was nice. 

It was turning into one of those moments you wished you could freeze in time, so you could stay that way forever.

With the windows down and his hair blowing hard in the wind, Beam looked free. He was different from before. 

It was pulling Forth in to the point of no return.



This was more of a filler chapter so we could have a little bit of development.

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