Chapter 8

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    Three days until Christmas. Three days to get Beam a present. He told me before that he never did Christmas with his family so getting him a present should make him feel happy, at least I hope it does.

    One problem. I didn't know what to get him. Beam was the kind of person who didn’t like excepting things. He wouldn’t even take a thank you when he helped my junior. Even if I gave him a present he probably wouldn’t except it.

    “I need your help.” I said grabbing my sisters and pulling them into my room.

    “What is so urgent that you pulled me away from my movie?” Chula asked. I sighed.

    “Christmas is in three days and I want to get Beam a gift. I just don’t know what to get him.” I admitted. They both laughed.

    “You don’t know what to get your own boyfriend?” Cha asked.

    “Wow, that’s sad.” Chula said chiming in.

    “Shut up. He isn’t my boyfriend. Please, just help me.” I begged for their help. They laughed again and nodded.

    “Okay. We’ll help. What kinds of stuff does Beam like?” Chula asked. I thought for a second. Now that they said it, I don’t really know. He never really talks about himself.

    “I don’t know. Can you find out for me? I fell like he would suspect something if I asked him.” I said. They both sighed deeply and nodded.

    “We’ll see what we can do.” Cha said. At that moment Beam walked in and startled us.

    “Oh, um, sorry. I didn’t know you guys were talking or whatever. I just, um, wanted to see Forth.” He admitted quietly. We all smiled. Chula and Cha looked to each other before nodding.

    “We see how it is. Have fun with your boyfriend.” Cha said causing her and Chula to laugh. I groaned as they left.

    “Sorry. I told them not to say stuff like that.” I said as he walked up to me. He chuckled and shook his head.

    “No, it’s okay.” He said stopping in front of me.

    “What did you want to see me for?” I questioned. Beam’s ears and cheeks got bright red and he looked down.

    “No particular reason. I just wanted to see you.” He said quietly. I smiled and nodded. I could feel my cheeks heat up as well. He was making me shy. No one ever made me shy. Not until Beam.

    “Good.” I said smiling. “Because I wanted to see you too.” I said smiling. Beam looked up and smiled at me.

    We stood there for a few moments just staring at each other and smiling.

    “This is weird.” Beam said laughing and looking away. I nodded.

    “You’re right. It’s cute though.” I said. Beam laughed and jumped on my bed before sighing loudly. I laughed and sat down next to him. “You look happy today.” I said. He nodded.

    “I am.” He admitted. I laughed.

    “Why?” I asked. He sighed and shrugged.

    “I don’t know. I just like being here. With you, with your family. It’s different, but a nice different. A good different.” He explained, sitting up. I nodded and sat with my back leaning against the headboard. Beam moved to sit next to me.

    “I’m glad you like it. I have to warn you though, it’s gonna get really crazy on Christmas. My whole family is practically coming over. They are loud, and rude, and tease a lot. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.” I said looking at him. “I don’t want you to get freaked out when they like touch you.” I said. He sighed and smiled before grabbing my hand.

    “I won’t feel uncomfortable as long as you stay beside me.” He said holding my hand. I grab his hand with mine and rub the back of it with my thumb.

    “I will be.” I said looking down at our hands. It was nice to be able to touch him, and it was nice that he let me touch. That I didn’t make him uncomfortable. “Are you hungry?” I asked, looking back up at him.

    “Always.” He said smiling and nodding.

    “Let’s go eat.” I said letting go of his hand and standing up. He stood up happily and dragged me out of the room. Everyone eyed us as we made our way through and out of the house.


    We drove to a neat by sushi place and ordered what can only be as described as too much food. We lauged and just had a good time. I hadn’t known Beam for long, but it felt like we would be friends, and possibly lovers fro a long time to come.

    “Forth?” Beam said pulling me out of my thoughts. I looked up at him and smiled. “You okay?” He asked. I nodded.

    “Yeah. Just thinking.” I admitted. He laughed and took another bite of his food.

    “About?” He questioned. I sighed and took his hand in mine before looking up at him. His eyes looked confused and scared. “Forth, what is it?” Beam asked. I could tell by his voice that he was scared.

    “I like you.” I adtmitted rubbing the back of his hand with my thumb as I had done earlier. “I like you a lot.” I continued. “And I know that you are probably far from ready to be in a relationship again and I respect that. I don’t want to force you into anything that you don’t want to do. I know you’ve been through a lot and that has made you no think you deserve to be happy, but here I am saying that you do.” I said looking up at him. A few tears had began to roll down his cheek. I leaned forward and wiped them away. “I just want you to know that even if it takes months or years I will always be here until you are ready.” Beam laughed and looked down.

    “Thank you.” He said quietly before looking up and smiling fondly at me again.

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