Chapter 7

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    The next morning I woke to an empty bed. When I checked the clock it was already almost twelve. I thought about it for a second and decided not to get up. It was already so late so I could play it off as not feeling well.

    My mind began to wonder to what happened last night. Forth had touched me and not in a bad way. In a way that made me feel better and safe about things. Not even Pha or Kit had ever made me feel like that. Now some guy who I barely know can?

    When we met at the bar I had freaked out, but the feelings of his arms around me was secure. Something I hadn’t felt since high school. How could Forth effect me so much?

    I sighed and looked up at the ceiling. Memories of last night ran through my mind. It was nice to be touched like that after a long time. I had almost forgotten what it felt like to have someone touch me like that.

    I was brought out of my thoughts when the bedroom door opened and Forth walked in. He was holding a cup of, from what I could tell by the steam, something warm. I pushed myself to sit up on the bed. Forth came and sat next to me on the edge of the bed smiling.

    “I brought you some coffee. I didn’t know if you would be awake. You only slept a couple hours last night.” He said holding the coffee out to me. I wrapped my hands around the coffee cup, and his hands causing him to freeze for a second.

    “Thank you.” I whisper as I look into his eyes. He smiles and nods.

    “Are you okay, now?” He asks removing his hands from underneath mine. He looked down with a red tint to his face.

    “I am, but I think I might just stay up here the rest of the day.” I answered taking a drink of the coffee and letting the warmth flow throughout my body.

    “That’s okay. I already told everyone that you weren’t feeling well.” He said. I nodded and set the cup on the nightstand before laying down again. “I’ll leave so you can sleep.” He said standing. I quickly grabbed his arm to stop him.

    “Stay.” I said. He thought for a few moments before nodding and going around the bed to climb in next to me.

We both laid there for what felt like an eternity not saying anything. We just laid there and looked at the ceiling in silence before Forth said something.

“What were are your nightmares about?” He asked softly. I sighed deeply. It was okay to tell him. He made me feel safe. What was the harm?

“My dad.” I confessed. “They’re about my dad.”

“What about him?” He questioned.

“When I was younger I had a best friend. He was my dads leather belt.” I said. I could feel Forth turn his head to look at me. I could also feel a few tears roll down the side of my head. “After my mom died my dad and brother blamed me for her death. I don’t even think I have memories where I wasn’t getting hit or any that were happy. I’d like to think that if my mom was still alive that I wouldn’t have scars, that I wouldn’t have gotten hit.” I said. When I blinked I felt more tears roll out of my eyes.

“Beam,” Forth said in a whisper. “I will never let anything like that happen to you again. You can still have a happy life. You will have me from now on. I will always be with you.” He said. I could feel him moving his hand closer to mine, but stopping before touching it. Even though we touched all last night, almost, but he still respected my personal space. I smiled and turned to look at him. “And I know that isn’t all of the story, but you don’t have to tell it until you’re ready.” He said. I closed my eyes as years rolled down my face and nodded.

I leaned over and wrapped my arms around his waist and pressed my face into his side. Not long after I felt two arms wrap around me. The ones that made me feel safe


I know this chapter was super short, but I really just wanted to give you guys an update

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