Chapter 6 (Beam POV)

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    “Please stop. I promise I’ll be good now.” I begged on my knees to father as he held my best friend in his hands. His leather belt.

    “You have to be punished. You are never good!” He screamed bring the belt up and slapping my back once with it.

    “I promise this time. Just please stop.” I beg again. He shakes his head and hits me again.

    The next thing I know I’m being shook and I hear what sounds like the voice of an angel calling my name. I sit up quickly gasping for breath. I feel arms enclose around me and struggle to get out of the embrace of whoever it was.

    “Beam. It’s Forth. You’re okay now.” When I heard Forth’s voice I stopped struggling. He didn’t hold to me any longer and pulled away.

    Something about him pulling away made me sad. When he touched me I didn’t feel the immediate need to pull away. I kind of felt…

    I was to into my thoughts and didn’t realize he had touched my cheek. I jumped slightly, but didn’t pull away. I didn’t want to pull away. It was the first time in a long time that someone has touched me like this. As much as I was scared I also strangely felt safe with Forth. Like he would protect me no matter what.

    “You’re alight. It was just a nightmare.” He said as he rubbed my cheek. I felt a few tear fall and looked down at my lap. That was just the thing. None of them were just nightmares. I shook my head.

    “No. It was real.” I replied. I leaned forward and laid my head on his shoulder. It was something I had never thought of doing, but I needed to feel him. I needed to feel safe with him. I felt he was hesitant to, but he wrapped his arms around my back. “It was so real.” I whispered. “Stay with me.” I whispered so low that I wasn’t even sure he heard me.


    “Please. I don’t care if you touch me. Just, please stay. I need you to stay.” I said interrupting him. I looked up at him. We sat there for a little while just staring at each other before he nodded in agreement.

    “Okay. I’ll stay.” He said pushing me back softly till I was laying down again. He climbed into the bed and under the covers on the other side. I moved closer to him and wrapped my arm around his waist. I hadn’t slept with someone like this in a long time, but I wanted to with Forth. I don’t know why, but somehow I felt safer with him close.

    Just thinking about everything made my eyes water and before I knew it I was crying hard. I pushed my face into his side to try and quiet down. It was long before I was finally back asleep.

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