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Beam POV

I approached the canteen after classes, spotting Pha and Kit sitting at a table in the back. Ming was with them.

"You gave Forth my number?"

Ming looked away with a guilty expression.

"Forth? The one from last night?" Pha questioned.

"Yes." I confirm, nodding. "And Ming gave him my number without consulting with me first."

"He kept asking about you, so I just gave him your number." He shrugged. "What's the big deal?" He questioned.

"The big deal is that he wants to meet and get to know me." I told them. 

They all smiled at me slyly. 

I held the bridge of my nose in frustration, sighing and held up my other hand up. "Don't even say it."

"He asked you on a-"


"Date." The three of them said in unison before laughing.

"It's not a date, and I'm not going." I tell them, shaking my head. 

"Oh come on. What is the big deal?" Ming asked.

"The big deal is that I don't want to be in a relationship and I don't understand why you guys can't accept that." I knew that I was raising my voice a bit, but I couldn't help it. 

I swung my bag back over my shoulder and turned to leave.

I heard footsteps behind me than a hand grab my arm. 

I turned around quickly and yanked my arm away from Pha who was standing there.

"Sorry." He said, gesturing to my arm that I was holding with my other hand.

"It's okay." I said quietly. "But if you are here to talk me into going to meet him then you can just stop now. I'm not going." 

Pha sighed and shook his head. "I'm not here to convince you of anything."


"But, I do want you to think about it."

I groaned and shook my head.

"I'm serious, Beam. You are in a good place now. You've been able to move past the things in the past and you deserve to be happy. I know you don't think you deserve it, but I think that if you give it at least one try, you'll be able to see that you do." 

Pha's eyes met mine and I had to look away. I couldn't stand seeing the pity in people's eyes when they talked about what happened to me.

"Pha, I know you're just trying to help, but it's getting old. I am happy. Now. Like this." I gestured around. "Even if I wanted a relationship, I couldn't have one. As much as I want to believe I have, I have never moved on from the past. I can't even be touched. You can't even touch me. My best friend since before high school. I still have nightmares about what my father did to me." I shook my head, feeling my eyes begin to water by just talking about it.

"Just think about it, please. Maybe Forth could be the one to change you." He said before turning around and walking away.

I sighed deeply before walking to my car and going home. It was a lot to deal with in public and I hated people seeing me cry.

I made it home with a concrete decision. I was not going to that coffee shop.


Never A Happily Ever After || ForthBeam FFWhere stories live. Discover now