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eyes flutter open from the morning light glimmering through the closed blinds. [name] curls her toes beneath the covers, slowly trying to wake the bottom half of her body up to the top. she sits up on the bed she had been sleeping upon, her hands raising up to rub at her eyes. after lowering her hands back down, she lets out a content sigh. blinking a few times momentarily, she finally gets a good look at the room she was in.

this isn't [name]'s room.

[name] immediately feels the familiar anxious feeling build up in her gut before slowly falling into panic. eyes widening, she glances more around the room in a frantic matter. she notices her clothes discarded in different parts in the small room. that explained the cold draft. she grabs the hem of the white sheets and pulls them upwards, wrapping her upper part of her body to cover her nudity.

but just as she was beginning to stand from the bed, she sudden feels the arm what was latched tightly around her waist, and from the sudden movement the arm tightens their hold on [name]. [name] sucks in a sharp breath, pause momentarily. she quickly snaps her gaze over to the body next to her, and she practically had to hold back the "aww" that almost passed her lips.

there next to her — dead asleep — was a boy with chocolate colored, curly hair. he was curled up in a tight ball beside [name] with one arm wrapped firmly around her waist. half his face was pressed into the pillow. he looked truly at peace. ha, wait until he finds out who he slept with. he won't be so at peace then.

slowly, [name] gently grabs ahold of the arm that was wrapped around her and shifts it over to the chocolate haired boy's side. the boy immediately tries to reach out to grab ahold of something again in his sleep. [name] quickly scoots away, taking one of the sheets with her, and tumbled off the side of the bed on her ass. she lets out a hiss of pain, her hand automatically going to rub her side.

she hears the boy shift in his sleep, along with mumbling indecipherable words. [name] shoots to her feet, using the white sheet she dragged down with her to wrap around her body. she began to scout out her discarded clothing, picking up each clothing one by one while a million thoughts ran through her head. she couldn't have possibly gotten so wasted last night to the point that she fucked a guy, she was definitely sobering for what she remembered. or not? but just as [name] was about to pick up the last piece of her clothing, she hears the boy shift again but doesn't bother to spare a glance over, thinking that he was possibly still asleep.

that is, until she hears a gravelly voice, "what the fuck?"

her head quickly snaps over at to the bed, making eye contact with his soft, brown gaze. the boy was now sitting up on the bed, his mop of chocolate hair in disarray. the loose, white t-shirt he was wearing was all wrinkled up and part of it hung off his right shoulder, showing off his smooth, creamy skin. [name] flushes from the sight of the attractive boy in front of her, remaining silent. he blinks a couple of times with hooded eyes until he seems to come to some sort of realization, causing his eyes to widen into saucers and inhale a short breath of air.

he's about to scramble out of the bed when he abruptly stops, glances down at himself, then quickly brings the rest of the white sheets with him closer to his body, his cheeks glowing a bright shade of pink. he looks around for something on the ground beside his part of the bed before he reaches off the side of it, picking up a pair of boxers. once slipping them on under the sheets that's when he goes to stand again, "fuck." he hisses aloud to himself, quickly bringing a hand to his forehead and sitting back down on the edge of the bed.

"a-are you alright?" [name] cautiously asked, taking a step forward towards the boy.

"yeah, i'm fine. i think it's just a migraine." his eyes were squeezed shut while he rubbed harshly at his forehead. soon after his eyes pop open once again and he turns his head towards [name], "but you need to get out of here. like— right now!" he stands from the bed again, wincing slightly from the strong migraine he still obtained.

one night, too many days | d.d. {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now