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it had came to her realization that being just david's friend who had only hooked up with him once was harder than [name] had expected it to be. she really wanted to be david's friend, though. he was funny, and charming, and generous, and she always feels comfortable around him. she's even gotten closer with him than she had even planned. and that was mainly the problem. the more she was around him the more she fell for him without her even realizing it. the dreams she had with him, though, finally made a light bulb go off.

she should have taken corinna's advice. she should have cut all ties with david before her feelings for him could get any more serious than they should have. she wouldn't have had to wonder at night anymore about david and if she'd ever have him or if she'd ever be able to think of someone else they way she felt for him. but [name] was already in too deep. cutting off ties now would not only hurt herself, but also david. and she could never be able to hurt david in any size, shape, or form. they were friends now, and that was that. no escaping out of this one for sure.

shit, she really wished she had stayed home the night her and david fucked.

"you don't care that i'm dragging you along with me, do you?" david asked, as he twisted his key in his shared apartment door.

"hm?" [name] had been lost in thought, so david's voice had broken her from her silent trance, "oh, no. it's fine. it's vlogging footage for me too, remember?" [name] smiled, holding up her own camera and waving it slightly.

david smiles back at her, than faces the door again to push it open. [name] had just gotten out of work around almost a half an hour ago, and when she had exited the restaurant she was immediately met with a long car horn blasting incredibly loudly. she knew all too well who it had been too, so she quickly rushed over and hoped into david's corolla to get him to stop holding down the horn of his car and disturbing all the la residents around them. he was an idiot sometimes. an annoying idiot. but she was falling for this annoying idiot.

david and [name] entered david's apartment and were immediately greeted with alex and dom's presence. alex was sitting back on the couch watching the television while dom was at his usual spot at his computer towards the back of the room, "hey guys." [name] spoke up first, waving to the two of them.

both the boy's gazed turned over to her. dom gave a small nod of greeting at her while alex raised one of his hands to wave slightly, "hey." they said in sync, then returned right back to what they were doing.

[name] plops herself down on the couch beside alex, placing her camera down beside her, "you still comin' with me and [name] to the guy's house, alex?"

"yeah." alex said, not glancing away from the tv.

david looks over at dom, "you sure you don't wanna come with us, dom?"

"nah. i'm workin' on some important stuff over here." dom said.

"'important stuff'." [name] air-quoted quietly to alex with a small smirk. he smiles with a soft chuckle to her joke.

"okay then," [name] was expecting david to tell her the reason why her and alex weren't leaving right away with him over to the denny house, but what she got instead was the chocolate haired boy leaning towards her until his lips were just centimeters away from her ear to murmur something to her, his warm palm placing down on her exposed upper thigh — she had changed from her work outfit to shorts and a t-shirt before arriving to the apartment — and squeezed it slightly, "i'll be back shortly. i gotta go take care of something first before we head back out." he pats her thigh lightly, then slowly leans away from her. he even grazed the palm of his hand — almost in a tortuous way — all the way to her kneecap before finally lifting it up and walking off.

one night, too many days | d.d. {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now