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leaving her apartment wasn't necessarily [name]'s cup of tea. she most of the time preferred lounging around in her home doing absolutely nothing, the occasional going out to hang with her friends being the only exception really. but when it comes to survival, she really has no other choice unless she wanted to starve herself to death. so grocery shopping it was, as much as she dreaded going there every two weeks. going to her local grocery store always seemed chaotic for the [hair color] haired girl. mostly due to the people, especially the workers.

problems involving people seemed to be [name]'s specialty.

sometimes it scares her how baffled an employee can get when you ask them where the milk was. or even paying at the register when the cashier doesn't even know how to use the fucking cash register in the first place. [name] lets out an annoyed sigh as she grabs the next item on her grocery list, tossing it into the red basket that hung from the crease of her arm. the only good thing about going to any grocery store — especially by yourself — was being able to pick out all the snacks and sweets that you wanted. half of [name]'s list was basically that.

once getting the next necessary item, she looks down at her phone. her screen lit up with her notes app that was currently open, her list written out in it. [name] scrolls through her emojis, placing the check emoji next to the item she had just gotten, then proceeded to search for what was next on her list. her earbuds were placed in her ears to drown out all the loud, obnoxious voices from other shoppers and crappy music playing lowly through the store's speakers. [name]'s head lightly bobbed to the beat of the song playing from her playlist, silently mouthing the lyrics, eyes half-lidded.

since she was drowning herself in her own music, [name] doesn't notice the person that had begun walking down the aisle in the opposite direction of her, so it wasn't that much of a shocker when the two's shoulders collided harshly with one another. [name] snapped out of her safe space, eyes snapping wide open into saucers. she quickly pauses her music and turns her head swiftly around to glare at the person that bumped roughly into her. but that's when the glare from her face washes away to a shocked expression, the same look mirroring off the person in front of her.

david turns the camera that was held tightly in the palm of his hand off in an instant, then turning his attention to [name], "whawhy the fuck are you here?!" he whispers harshly, approaching her swiftly until the two were face to face, "you aren't supposed to be here!"

[name] blinks at david, before removing one earbud from her ear, letting it hang down in front of her, "what—?!" she whispered back, using the same tone david had, "david i'm allowed to go to a fucking grocery store! i need to fucking live too, dumbass!"

"no! i meant— out of all days why did you have to be here today?!"

"i'm so sorry that i didn't go by your god damn schedule."

"well you should!"

"—what?! why do you even care that i'm here anyways—?!"


"david?" an unfamiliar voice was what shut david up right away, even [name]. she notices how sickeningly pale david's face had gone as soon as he heard the person's voice. he looked as if he was about to vomit. the two turn their heads in sync towards the direction of the voice. a girl stood a few feet from [name] and david. sun kissed skin, curly, dark brown hair tied into a messy bun, dark oak irises glimmering in the poor lighting in the store. she was truly gorgeous... so why was she with david?

one night, too many days | d.d. {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now