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although it's most likely been mentioned before, [name] wasn't a fan of people, and for some apparent reason people weren't that much of a fan of her either. she didn't really care, though, since most of the time she stayed at home; expect when she had to go to work or had to do her periodically trips to the grocery store. she didn't like the outside world, at all.

but when it came to parties, that's a completely different story.

again, she didn't like the people — unless she was either with her friends or it was her friend's party — but what she's always enjoyed about parties is that she could walk in and literally nobody would know who she is, or what she is. she could be whoever or whatever she wanted just for the heck of it with no one to judge or criticize her. none of these people wouldn't even know, and she'll 99.9% of the time never see these lowlife's faces ever again.

"i don't know corinna... maybe i shouldn't go." [name] spoke softly into her phone.

but in this case, this party she was being invited to would have somebody that would definitely recognize her.

"ah come on. i promise you it'll be fun!" corinna encouraged, "i can even introduce you to all of my friends. maybe you'd even find someone that's your type there." [name] could practically hear the smirk form on corinna's face, if that were possible, per-se.

yeah, there is a type that's going to be at that party, but that person and her both want nothing to do with each other, and she plans to never get  herself stuck in that mess ever again.

"i highly doubt that. i'm very picky with my men/and woman." [name] teased back through their call.

"you never know, [name]." corinna said, "but can you pretty pleeeasewith a cherry on topcome to the new years party tonight?" she begged.

the worst that could happen at the party was being stuck in a room with david, which seems to be highly doubtful since david probably wouldn't allow that to happen in a million years. [name] could easily migrate around the party to different rooms if she spotted david approaching the area she was in. plus— why does she even give a shit anymore if david did see her at the party? there isn't anything he could do about it. she was invited, he can't kick her out since it's not his party. the party hosts are the ones that own the house that the parties going to be at.

and if he had a problem with her being there? he could just go fuck himself. [name] wasn't going to throw away an opportunity of going to a party, or even getting to know more people that are probably just as cool and nice as corinna seemed. after all, she probably wouldn't even be friends with them if they weren't nice or cool. [name] lets out a sigh into her phone, her hand raising up to rub through her locks of [hair color] hair, "okay, you win. i'll go to the party tonight."

"yes!" corinna cheered, "i'll pick you up at your place around nine thirty-ish and we'll head to the party together. don't dress too fancy, but... don't wear any of your lounging around clothes."

"are you judging my choice of clothing again." [name]'s response sounded more of a statement than a question.

"no! all i was saying is that it probably isn't the best idea to show up in one of your over-sized t-shirts that has mysterious stains all over them to a new year's party."

one night, too many days | d.d. {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now