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it was hard to find a job in la that paid a good salary and made a person happy, since literally a shit ton of people lived in la from all around the world. plus there weren't many jobs to pick from. so the job [name] had settled with was definitely not something she enjoyed, per se. it gave her a great salary and all, yeah, but the customer service and her co-workers were just god awful. she was treated poorly by the people working around her and the customers treated her as if she was some air-headed escort ready to let the next person who walks into the restaurant fuck her.

it's probably what she deserved for even working at a restaurant like hooters in the first place.

the other thing she wasn't a fan of was their uniforms. like, could they be anymore revealing? she wouldn't be surprised if someone walked in thinking they had entered a god damn strip club. besides, [name] never thought that she had a decent body, so wearing the uniform did make her feel very uncomfortable— granted, she's dress up often whenever going out to clubs or partying, maybe even more revealing stuff. so really she had no right even complaining about their uniform in the first place.

really, the only thing she worried about was her friends finding out where she worked. it wouldn't be the worse thing in the world, but it would definitely be really embarrassing and awkward. those two things aren't good combined together. there had been a couple of occasions where she'd see a friend or two enter the restaurant, so [name] had to turn around and dart to another area of the restaurant until they were being helped by a different waitress or left the restaurant all together.

"[name]?! is that you?!" but in this case, god was not on her side today.

[name] tenses up hearing the familiar voice. slowly, she turns around in the frozen position she was in, spotting the five familiar boys sitting in one of the restaurants round booths. [name] sends the five an awkward smile, raising one of her hands up to wave slightly, "...hi."

"baby, when you said you were a waitress i didn't think you'd be working in a place like this." zane joked.

"i didn't think anyone would find out that i worked here..." [name] admits, her gaze drifting off elsewhere.

heath laughs, "we come here a lot of the wings. we probably were going to run into you here, eventually. better now than later, i guess." he said.

[name] lets out another sigh, raising her arms up to rake her fingers through her locks of hair. doing this course of action made her notice one of the other boys sitting with them. their eyes briefly met, and [name] couldn't help the small smirk to form on her face. she breaks the gaze she had with the boy though, turning her attention back to the other boys, "well, since i'm here, is there anyone that's taken your guys' orders yet?"

"no, we just got here." alex said, smiling lightly up at [name].

"okay then," [name] clicked the ball of her pen, spinning it in between her fingers for a brief moment before aiming the tip of the writing implement against the notepad she was holding, "what can i get you boys for starters?" she lightly glances back up from the notepad, glancing at each face.

"i'll start with you." dom flirted, a smirk forming on his face.

[name] lets out a pity laugh, the same laugh she made the first time they met and he flirted with her, "i already told you that that's not gonna happen, love." [name] said, "now, really, what do you guys want?"

one night, too many days | d.d. {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now