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[name] would have never thought that she were to ever become successful via internet. like, ever. she always thought it was something that was just out of pure luck, which she thought she didn't have. but after meeting the vlog squad, [name] realized that maybe once in her life she did have some luck after all. not only have they helped her with a potential future career, but they were also great friends. friends that she knew she definitely didn't deserve to have gotten through fucking one of their friends. it almost feels sort of selfish, in a weird way.

"how's the vlogging life coming along, shorty?" scotty takes a seat on the couch beside [name], watching her latop screen as she edited one of her recent videos.

[name]'s gaze snaps away from her computer over to look at scott, glaring at him, "who're you calling shorty, asshole." she snapped back.

"you, obviously. who else would i be talking about? corinna?" scotty gestured over to corinna with his hand, who was sitting on the other couch diagonal to them, "well, actually, i take that back. you're both pretty short."

"bitch." [name] said to scotty, while corinna flips him off without looking up from her phone.

"it seems like you've been gettin' good views for what i've been seein', baby." heath said, leaning on the couch that [name] and scotty were sitting on from behind.

"well you have been seeing right." [name] said, facing her laptop again, "surprisingly." she mumbled.

"whatdda ya mean 'surprisingly'?" zane piped in from the small dining room beside the kitchen while he was on his own laptop, "why wouldn't you be popular, babygirl? you're gorgeous, funny, you're the whole package!"

[name] turned around to look at zane, "how suave of you, zane." she said, sarcastically.

"quite." he responded back with a smile. [name] only rolled her eyes playfully as she turned back around to face her laptop.

"well you're obviously doing something right." heath said, then placed the palm of his hand on [name]'s head, ruffling up her head, "but hey, you deserve all this recognition."

[name] laughed softly, raising her hand up to swat heath's hand away from her head. when her laughter dies down, she pauses for a moment, staring at her laptop screen with a small smile, "can i ask you guys something?" scotty and heath glance back at [name], even corinna looks up from her phone to listen. zane's eyes drifted away from his laptop over to where [name] sat on the couch, also listening to what she was going to ask. she continued, "if this whole youtube thing starts to actually work out, as in getting paid well enough... should i go for it? like, quit my job and go full time?"

[name] had been thinking about it for awhile now. as each day went on her subscriber count rose too. it probably mostly had to due with her new found friends, but she liked to believe that maybe it was mostly from her personality. maybe even her looks. who was she kidding though, as long as she had david and his friends in her life she was obviously going to get all of her popularity through them. even then, she hasn't really put david in her vlogs since she hasn't been with him, so maybe it wasn't her friends that were giving her popularity. she has been purposely ignoring all the youtube comments about david on her videos, though.

"i wouldn't see why not." corinna spoke first, "if you really enjoy making vlogs then waitressing, then i say go for it."

"yeah, get ahead of the game before the rest of us do." heath joked, walking around the couch to sit on the same couch beside [name], "the only competition you'll have right now is scotty, carly and erin, and david."

one night, too many days | d.d. {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now