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meeting david was probably one of the most interesting things that's ever happened to [name], to say the least. let alone it was already hard to get that pretty boy's face out of her head and his stupid locks of chocolate hair that all she just wanted to do was run her fingers through it. but it seems that the universe didn't like her. on multiple occasions, whenever she's gone out somewhere she always ends up seeing david from afar.

take the la streets for instance. she could be walking down it and walking in the opposite direction would be david walking along side someone new each time. she's either had to hide behind someone that was tall enough, swiftly spin on her heel and speed walk off in a different direction — one time she chose to cross the street and almost got hit by a car — or even run into a nearby building to avoid any confrontation.

it was getting pretty tying after awhile.

[name] lets out a heavy sigh, slumping over in her seat while she stared down at her [choice of beverage]. she was starting to not care as much if david did see her, but she still respected his request about never seeing each other again. if she was about to ask a guy out then slept with a different guy, she wouldn't want to see the second guy ever again either. it was a bit hurtful when he first said these words to her, but [name] had to put herself in his shoes and see the reality of his situation. honestly, she felt pitiful towards him. although it was fucking stupid for him to even get himself in this situation.

[name]'s finger rose up to run around the rim of her cup, a tired expression across her face. the job that she works at didn't need her until either afternoon or night shifts, so she basically had a few hours in the morning to herself. and she was in the mood to get [choice of beverage] at any kind of café that was nearby. in her case, the closest thing was a starbucks. every now and then her gaze from her cup would shoot upwards whenever the sound of the door opened and a new person would walk in, then drop back down at her cup.

she wouldn't call herself a judge-y person, but she finds observing other people and their lives from far to be quite fun. she's been in la for awhile now, so she's learned the gist of what kind of people live here. she's able to predict most of their next moves. [name] was about to get lost in her thoughts again when she heard a small ruckus from the side of her. she glances over by the checkout area, seeing a blonde girl muttering angrily to herself aloud while she tried to pick up on too many drinks that she supposedly ordered. prediction: she's going to drop one of them.

within the next second, as the blonde girl was just about to make her way to the door with all her drinks, one topples over and falls straight towards the floor. it looked like it had been iced coffee, as the liquid splattered all over the bottom half of her dark jeans and forming a large puddle on the floor, "fuck!" she yells aloud. a few people in the room glance over at her, some snickering. a mother gasped and covered the ears of her child, sending the blonde girl a dirty look. the blonde girl sends her an apologetic look before grudgingly turning back around to the counter, most likely to order another drink to replace the last one.

see, everything here was too predictable. it was as if it was from a book.

[name] watched as the girl placed down all the drinks again after she ordered a new drink. the girl quickly grabbed a bunch of napkins and lifted one of her drenched legs against the edge of the counter, trying to wipe away some of the ice coffee that will most likely stain the clothing. having some sort of guilt eating away at [name] — since she had known that that girl would've dropped one of the drinks and just sat by and watched — she lets out a sigh, before standing up from her seat.

one night, too many days | d.d. {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now