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JANUARY 18TH, 2016

[name] picks up her phone, unlocking it and immediately opening up her contacts. she scrolls her finger quickly across her screen in search for the specific name. once she finds it, a small smile forms on her face as she presses the call button. [name] brings her phone up to her ear as soon as she presses the call button, hearing the phone ring a few of times, patiently waiting. by the fourth ring it gets cut off and the familiar voice begins to speak from the other line, "what's up?"

"come pick me up, bitch."

david chuckles softly on the other line, "i'm doing swell, [name]. thanks for asking." he says, sarcastically.

[name] playfully rolls her eyes, not that david could see her doing that, "i don't care how you are. can you pick me up or not, dicktwitch."

"not with that attitude i won't." david said, "why? did you just end your shift at hooters or something?" he still asks nonetheless.

"no, i was let out early today. i wanted you to pick me up so i could show you something."

"that sounds worrying."

"you know it, love." [name] teases, "you can't see it but i'm winking right now." going along with her words, she winks, even if david couldn't actually see her do that either.

"i'm glad i can't see it. it probably looks horrible."

"fuck you."

"do you not want me to pick you up?" he laughed.

"okay sorry i'll shut up now come pick me up please." [name] quickly rushes out her words.

david chuckles again, "you at your apartment?"

"where else would i be?"

"right. i'll be there in like five."

"don't keep me waiting."

"don't worry, i will now just for you."

[name] smiles more, pulling her phone away from ear to end the call. she stands from her bed after, going over to her closest to grab a shirt to throw on and change out of the top she slept in. hooters wasn't really as busy as it usually was on friday's or on the weekends since today was a monday. [name] was just one of the lucky waitresses that got let out early to go home. mostly because she easily persuaded her manager to get out early.

when making sure she had everything with her, she hears a car honk loudly outside. [name] grabs her keys from her nightstand, double checks if her phone was in her pocket and grabbed what she was going to show david and the rest of her friends. she hurriedly leaves her apartment and sprints down the steps of her complex. david continued to honk the horn of his white corolla while [name] made her way outside just to annoy her.

"alright, alright! i'm coming, jackass!" [name] tried to yell over the car horn.

david smiles cheekily at her through the window, unlocking the side door for her. [name] opens the passenger door and plops down in the seat next to david, shutting the door close once she's pulled her legs into the vehicle. she turns to face david after, smiling, "hi."

one night, too many days | d.d. {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now