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[name] wanted to say that it was getting less difficult with avioding david, but wasn't. in fact, she was sure that it was only getting worse by the day. the two close calls [name] had only seemed to make david more persistent to talking to her, god knows why. it was frustrating, really. david can't really seem to take a hint that [name] doesn't want to see him, or that she just doesn't want to talk to him. even his friends are slowing starting to catch on that the supposed "fight" they had was bad between the two, or at least that [name] is trying to take a step back from david. they've tried telling him to back off too, but obviously he wasn't going to listen to them. [name] wasn't even sure if anything would get through his head at this point.

"hey, um, alex. can you do me a huge favor?"

"yeah, what's up?" alex asked through the other line.

"can you tell your friend to — i don't know — fucking back off from me?" [name] snapped, "i-i've been trying to avoid him for almost a month now and—"

"—well that's your first mistake right there." alex interrupted.


"first of all, why didn't you call him out on his bullshit like we told you to?"

[name] pauses, "i thought it would be easier if i just... gradually disappeared from david's life."

[name] hears alex sigh from the other line, "okay... and the second thing you should know is that to david, no one can just easily ignore him and get away with it."

[name] blinked, "whadda you mean by that?"

"you see, ever since knowing david, i've learned that he's always been an attention seeker. he loves getting attention... well, that, and he also puts too much trust and care to random people he's just met. and that only gets worse if he actually forms a relationship with them, romantically or platonically." alex explained, "his friends are important to him, and he's always surrounding himself around them often for the attention that he craves. since he's formed a... weird relationship or whatever you two would call it with you, you've already put yourself into a bad position. he easily gets worried about his friends. what makes matters worse though, is that you're also avoiding him— which means he's losing the attention of one of his friends that he's... definitely worried about."

"is he... actually worried about me?"

"he asks about you all the time with me and everyone else." alex said, "he's confused about why you're talking with all of his friends but not him... i think it's all sort've just hu—" alex suddenly stops himself.

"it's also sort've what?"

alex pauses, "i probably shouldn't tell you if you're trying to get over him."

[name] bites lightly down on her bottom lip, taking in a long, slow breath. a moment of silence passes before [name] speaks up again, "okay... yeah. you're right. don't tell me." as much she would've wanted to know, she knew it was best that she didn't know, "what have you been telling him?"

one night, too many days | d.d. {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now