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JANUARY 27TH, 2016

warning: brief smut

she doesn't know what's happened to her, the alcohol, the desire, him. but it manifests inside her, causing her to wrap her legs more around the boy's waist to apply some type of pressure, grinding hard up against him. the hand beside her head grips onto the white sheets beneath them so tight that his knuckles had turned pale. the boy above her lets out a throaty groan, his own hips twitching forward into a harsh thrust straight into more of her core. eyes squeezed shut, head thrown back, her jaw drops as if to let out a silent scream, but all that was able to come out were just small whimpers and high keens.

the boy above her let's out another grunt as she clenches around him. he leans forward more, murmuring words into her ear, "that's it, baby." he sounded out of breath, but his voice still held the same deep tone it had before they started, "you're doing so good." he continued his whispers of sweet praise into her ear, then began to leave a trail of kisses down her neck, "you wouldn't believe the things i had imagined doing to you tonight when i saw you." she lets out a wanton moan to his words as he pounded into her more roughly.

"please~" she panted.

"you like it rough, right, baby?" the boy continued speaking, "like how i fucked you senseless with only just my fingers before?" he groans, hips twitching harshly into once again, "or how hard my cock pounds into your pretty pussy?" one of his hands that was gripping her hip was so tight she was sure there would be bruises. the girl had quickly been rendered a moaning mess, not being able to think clearly enough to form any words.

she let out a whine acken to a sob, overwhelmed by the pleasure. "d— i'm gonna—!" she cried out.

he moaned to her cries for him. "you're doing so good. such a good fucking girl. i want you to cum all over my cock, princess."


[name] suddenly awakens with a gasp, sitting straight up in her bed. she was breathing heavily, and she could feel a layer of sweat covering her body. this was the fifth time this week that she's had the same dream. the dream of when she first met david that night at the party two months ago. she looks down at her bed sheets, one of her hands raising up to thread through her hair. why now? why have these dreams now when she was finally getting onto a friendly basis with david? it wasn't like she wanted to be having these dreams about him. they've started when she had started become closer with david.

maybe trying to be his friend wasn't a good idea after all. [name] knew there were still lingering feelings for him after their shared night. that was one of the reasons why she was happy to oblige to never seeing david again when he requested for her to get out of his life. but it seemed like the universe was really trying to fuck them both over when they kept bumping into one another. even after becoming some what friends they still seem to run into each other randomly in the streets or end up in the same situations.

due to being lost in her own thoughts, the sound of her phone chiming caused her to jump slightly. her head snaps over to her nightstand, as she reaches for her phone. she unplugs it from its charger, causing the lock screen to flash on. she see that she's gotten a text message from corinna. still shaken up about her dream, [name] unlocks her phone and immediately goes to her phone app. maybe talking with corinna will ease her nerves. pressing her friends contact, she brings the cellular device to her ear, listening to each ring that went by until corinna answered, "hey bitch~"

"hi." [name] says with a dry tone. she clears her throat after.

"damn, why do you sound like actual death right now?" corinna chuckled softly.

one night, too many days | d.d. {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now