How it All Began

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(( Please read my statements before beginning this book! This is my 5th Klance book of many more to come, and I'm excited to publish this! Thank you everyone for your support. Let's do this!))

With the sun just disappearing behind the horizon, the crickets chirping in the back, and the warm California breeze blowing through the air, he had finished. The days were always long in summer, meaning that the dark wouldn't be taking hold for at least another hour. And that was perfect.

He wanted to watch the sunset with her, drape his arm around her and make it the best night they'd shared yet. Lance had filmed his collab with Hunk and Pidge extra quick, not spending extra time there afterward to dilly dally or drink. Though that is what their trio normally did, along with their other friend, Matt.

Six months was too big of a deal to just leave things be, to let them not be as extra as humanly possible. And being that Lance was... well... Lance, he would settle for nothing less than over the top. He had a bouquet of the finest red roses in LA, and in his other hand, he held a box of Ralph's vanilla bean cupcakes. They were the best in the city, from the best grocery store, and also Allura's favorite.

Lance knew that. He made it a point to know all of her favorites, so he could be the best boyfriend ever.

He had the element of surprise to his back as he carefully opened the front door to his home. She had moved in with him only a few weeks ago. Not a single sound could be heard as the heavy, expensive door opened and closed. Lance's house was very nice, despite the hell he put it through for his videos.

Ever so silently, he set the cupcakes on the granite countertop in the kitchen. Maybe they could watch the sunset together and eat them. Lance held the roses, glancing out the window. In the sky, there was a beautiful blue, but the pink it had been mixed with was interrupted. There was a streak of bright red, nearly orange, that cut right through the colors, and Lance smiled to himself. It was beautiful.

He didn't have time to enjoy it, though. Set apart from the silence, he heard a knocking sound. His first thought was the door, but it wasn't that kind of a noise. It was sort of like a labored creak, being cut short only to repeat again. Being the alpha he was, Lance was concerned. Was his omega okay?

Lance figured out the noise was coming from above him, and he was quick to make his way up the staircase. He took a right turn toward the master bedroom, and he got a whiff of something. It was musky, strong.


It was more than just a scent, however. It was stricken with lust, and Allura's cotton candy, sugary aroma was mixed all the way through it.

Lance's eyes widened.

" Lura?!" He called and pushed the bedroom door open. " Lura?! Are you oka-"

Lance's mouth gaped open, and he dropped the roses as his hands raised to clamp over his mouth.

In his bed, the bed Lance slept in every night, there was Allura and her 'editor/cameraman', Lotor. No clothes. No censorship. Everything out there... or in there, if he counted the fact that Lotor currently had his cock shoved in her. Allura was in the middle of a moan when Lance arrived, and her eyes bulged as she saw him walk in.

Lotor panicked as well, blushing and grabbing a blanket to cover her up.

" Lance, I-" She stammered.

Lance felt his eyes fill with tears as he slowly backed up, a lump growing in his throat. There he had been, thinking that someone had broken in and hurt her, but she was liking it. Lance could smell it, and it was written all over her face.

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