Strawberry Waffles for the Soul

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(( Do... do you smell that? *sniff* ... I think it's... maybe... t e a ? It must be brewing on the stove.))

The farm had plenty of fresh eggs, strawberries, and many other veggies could be found in Camila's personal garden.

Breakfast was always creative and colorful when Mamá cooked it, and Lance was used to that, but that morning... he had chosen to cook. He wanted to surprise Keith, and that was the only reason he'd gotten up at the crack of dawn. The roosters making noise helped, but still.

Lance was wearing his PJ's, having an apron over top of them. He was making homemade waffle batter with the eggs from the farm. To the side, he had some strawberries with sugar cooking on the burner. It was what his mother always made: strawberry syrup.

The alpha just hoped Keith would like his breakfast. He thought back to that night, and how Keith was looking all cute before bed. The omega had actually fallen asleep while they watched TV, but Lance woke him up.


" Princess... hey... it's almost midnight." Lance whispered, shaking Keith gently. He was quietly sleeping on him, not having meant to.

Keith's eyes opened groggily, and he noticed that he was in Lance's lap. He was too tired to be flustered about it at that second, only yawning.

" You should put on your PJ's and let me up, hm?" Lance whispered, raking a hand through Keith's hair. Lance had to admit... the thought of not waking Keith up had crossed his mind once or twice. Just wrapping an arm around him and sleeping by his side was so tempting, but he knew that Keith might've been uncomfortable with that, so he ultimately did the right thing.

Keith nodded, his eyes heavy.

" What time is it again?"

" Midnight." Lance whispered, and Kosmo was perking up to look at the two. The omega groaned and slid off from Lance, rubbing his eyes. His feet hit the floor and he waltzed over to his bag.

Pulling out a tank top and some pajama pants, Keith glanced back up to Lance. He blushed slightly.

" I... I'm going to change in the bathroom..." He told him.

Lance hadn't realized that he was watching him until that moment, then broke his eyes away from Keith.

" O-Oh... of course." Lance stammered. Keith went into the hall after that, and once Lance heard the door shut, he was up. He wanted to change before Keith was back, so that Keith wouldn't catch him without his clothes on.

He pulled on a t-shirt and some shorts, then crawled onto the air mattress. It might've been gross, but he really didn't feel like brushing his teeth, so he didn't. There was a near 100% chance he wouldn't get up again until morning.

It wasn't long before Keith returned, and Lance looked to see him walk through the door. His messy hair and everything was adorable, and Lance loved the way that tank top hugged his shoulders.

" Shit..." Keith murmured. " I've gotta find my pills..." He proceeded to dig through his duffel bag.

Lance arched a tired brow.

" I thought you didn't take anxiety meds?" He asked, yawning.

" I don't..." Keith told him, keeping his voice low.

Lance was even more confused. What kind of other medication would Keith have been on?

Keith sighed and glanced back to him after he pulled out the pack.

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