The Bonfire

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{ For everyone scared from the Coronavirus stuff, just treat my stories like a safe place. Put your mind somewhere else for ten minutes and try to focus on something else. I love you all and please stay healthy <3 }

Lance looked over at Keith as he was about to click the YouTube icon on the computer.

" I'm sure it'll all be positive, Lance..." Keith rubbed his shoulder. He could feel the tenseness in them and wondered if Lance realized he was clenching his muscles like that.

" And if it isn't?" Lance asked, taking a shaky deep breath.

" Then fuck the world. We're all we need."

They had posted a video on the previous day in which Lance talked about his future musical aspirations and what he wanted to do with his life. He had basically spilled his guts about a fear he'd housed since childhood, since he'd figured out he could sing in the first place. He'd kept it all from his audience for so long that it almost felt like he was betraying them, even though he knew that he wasn't.

Keith had been making Lance wait to look at any comments or reactions to the video since it was posted, since he knew there was always a certain amount of hate comments on either of their videos. He figured they could wait for more of the fanbase to see it and like it first, that way the hate would get lost in the flagged comment section and Lance wouldn't have to look at it.

Lance opened up YouTube and felt like he was going to burst as he waited for the webpage on the laptop to load. And as quickly as it did, his trembly hands were racing around until he'd found and clicked on his most recent video: About My Album.

Keith let his eyes skim over the comment section and he felt a wave of relief rush over him.

" See? They love it..." The omega assured and pecked a kiss on Lance's cheek. He couldn't help but feel giddy for him.

Lance felt happy tears rising up to the corners of his eyes and he smiled.

OMG! Can't wait for the single!

Anyone else hoping the single is about Klance?

It's about Keith right? Tell me it's about Keith :P

Okay but can we all appreciate how brave he is? Much love and keep up the positivity <3

" I don't know what I was expecting..." Lance chuckled to himself and wiped his eyes. He didn't know what could've made him more happy. People now knew the truth and the single would be coming the next morning, followed by an album later. It was heartwarming to think about where he'd started out and how far he'd come since then. Singing in the shower was something he still did, but now he would be singing everywhere. Over the radio, in people's ears, blasting through speakers. It was the most accomplished he'd ever felt since Keith had agreed to go out with him.

" You're an overthinker... it's fine. But they're excited and they're gonna love it." Keith pressed more kisses on Lance's neck as he smiled through them. He could hardly contain his joy about the situation either.

" Yeah... but how do we celebrate? That's the real question..." Lance smirked slightly and closed his laptop, setting it on the coffee table. He and Keith were currently in their colossal sized living room, atop a couch that could easily fit 12 people on it.

" I don't know... what were you thinking?" Keith raised a brow at him when he pulled back. He snaked his arms behind Lance's neck as the alpha pulled him closer, placing him in his lap.

" Maybe I need to get my excitement out..." Lance said. Holy hell it felt nice to have no limits with Keith. It was like he had never trusted anyone so much in his life, and he didn't feel awkward at all, even when he acted cheesy like he was right then.

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